Lynn Cominsky Sonoma State University
Alien Bandstand A recording executive looking for his next big hit has turned to the heavens. He has found a peculiar signal in some radio telescope data and he is convinced that it is music from an alien civilization. He is offering it for sale. Your mission: Determine if this signal really is an alien tune!
Waves Wavelength – distance between two crests or troughs in a wave in space Period – time it takes for 1 wave to pass by Period is also the distance between two crests or troughs in time
NSE Standards Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry Understanding about scientific inquiry Content Standard B: Physical Science Interactions of Energy and Matter Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science Origin and Evolution of the Universe
NSE Standards Content Standard E: Science and Technology Understandings about science and technology Content Standard G: History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor
Let’s play the game! You will meet some interesting characters You will meet some real scientists You will have three tools to use to take the data needed to solve the mystery There will be a notebook to write down your findings so you can remember things There will be a quiz at the end Start here
Live! From 2-Alpha A space-faring reporter is stranded on the planet 2-Alpha. He starts noticing strange events in the sky and on the planet. Your mission: Determine what is happening and what course of action he must take to survive.
Newton’s Laws F = G m 1 m 2 Escape velocity r2r2 Force due to gravity v = 2 G m r
NSE Standards Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry Understandings about scientific inquiry Content Standard B: Physical Science Interactions of Energy and Matter Motion and Forces Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science Origin and Evolution of the Universe
NSE Standards Content Standard E: Science and Technology Understandings about science and technology Content Standard G: History and Nature of Science Science as a human endeavor
Let’s play the game! You will see many strange things happen to Parnell You will have three tools to use to take the data needed to solve the mystery There will be a notebook to write down your findings so you can remember things There will be five challenges that you must pass to advance through the mystery Start here
Star Market Scandal Release expected: Summer 2002 People are buying large numbers of stars in the International Star Market Your mission: Uncover the reasons behind these unusual activities
A few caveats Web based version saves all the answers (correct and incorrect) as well as the complete notebook CD version only saves correct answers and limits size of text box responses and notebook Both versions do not check the answers in the text boxes – this is up to the instructor. We have tested both versions on many different PCs and Macs. If you have technical problems, please let us know.
We’d love to hear from you! Suggestions you or your students have that will help us to improve the mysteries Ideas you have for new mysteries. We will be developing three more during Payments are available for testers and/or co-developers!