Brodmann Areas Rizzolatti et al., Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1998 Matelli Areas
What are mirror neurons (MN)? Neurons that discharge when a monkey is making a goal directed (grasping) action (precision grip) towards an object (in the dark?) Also discharge when the monkey observes an agent making an action with an identical goal (and action?) towards objects (~15%). –Strictly congruent (~30%) vs. broadly congruent MN
Cortical activation during observation of mouth hand and foot action
Audiovisual mirror neurons and action recognition Kohler et al., Science 2002
רגע של סטטיסטיקה neurons recorded 63 neurons (13%) discharged both when the monkey performed a hand action and when it heard the action-related sound. 33 neurons (6%) were tested for visuo- auditory congruency, only 22 (4%) showed selectivity for the action’s goal, irrespective of the modality!
background early late holding ANOVA: main effect of epoch main effect of object presence Single neurons (n=2)
Population analysis (n=37) ANOVA: main effect of epoch main effect of vision Epoch x view interaction And back to single neurons analysis… Neurons showing epoch effect: Neurons not showing view effect: 7 19
Controlling for eye movements