HMI Magnetic Field Products Line-of-sight magnetic field will be computed from Doppler Velocity in two polarizations, as is done for MDI. Vector Field will be computed from Stokes parameters derived from an independent set of polarized filtergrams. After launch the possibility of combining the two cameras will be explored. The basic line-of-sight cadence is 45 seconds. The basic vector field cadence in 90 seconds. Images are 4k x 4k Filtergrams corrected for time, rotation, flat field, distortion, cosmic rays
HMI Magnetic Field Products Vector field data products will be the following quantities and uncertainties on each –|B| - total flux –Filling factor –Inclination (gamma) to the line of sight –Azimuth (phi) relative to solar north –Magnetic line-of sight velocity Data will be exported in a variety of coordinate systems: Bx,By,Bz, |B|,gamma,phi (heliographic), and Br,Btheta,Bphi More detail is provided at VectorMagneticField and LineofsightMagneticField and SpaceWeatherProducts at LineofsightMagneticFieldSpaceWeatherProducts
HMI Magnetic Field Products Science Pipeline 45 - second –Blos on full disk –Vlos on full disk –Continuum intensity on full disk 12 - minute –Inverted vector B on full disk (TBD) –Disambiguated B in patches 3 - hour –Disambiguated B on full disk On Demand –3-second filtergrams –3-minute vector B on patches –6-minute disambiguated patches –12-minute full-disk disambiguated vector field On Request –90-second disambiguated patches –90-second IQUV –Anything else
HMI Space Weather and Quick-Look Browsing Products Generally HMI space weather and quick-look browsing products are those computed in near real time from quick look SDO data. They may be used for space weather forecasting or real time monitoring and display. They should not be used for scientific analysis, except perhaps to compare the quality of preliminary and definitive products. HMI space weather and quick-look products will be coordinated with the Heliophysics Events Knowledge Base.Heliophysics Events Knowledge Base These data products will complement the AIA Quick Look Browse Products pdfpdf This proposed list is very much in preliminary form and should not be taken as a commitment. Each product should have a prospective user. Comments welcome.
QL HMI Magnetic Products - 1 Full Disk –Line-of-sight magnetograms (Blos) - 90-sec; 1K*1K resolution –Vector magnetogram, inverted & disambiguated - 12 hour –Movie of Blos - 12-day history, updated each 90 seconds – Active Region Patches (ARPs) –Identification of active region patches - 12 minute –Vector magnetic field in major ARPs, disambiguated - 12 minute –Time series of major ARP indices (since appearance, updated every 12 minutes or as possible) Location, orientation, separation, total flux, net flux, delta-B, helicity, non-potentiality, complexity, field gradient, other –Alerts based on indices Increased time resolution during alerts –Blos at full spatial resolution in ARPs - updated each 90 seconds
QL HMI Magnetic Products - 2 Synoptic Maps –Synchronic Frame - radial field estimate - 96-minute, reduced spatial resolution –Evolved Carrington/Synchronic map - 6 hour Far Side Product –Far side active region map - daily –Movie of global sun activity - 54-day updated daily Other Products –Full-disk Velocity - snapshot every 12 minutes –Full-disk Intensity - 12 minute –Full-disk Line Depth - 12 minute –Full-disk and ARP Overlay of AIA and HMI Blos - 90-sec update, movie
QL HMI Magnetic Products - 3 Other Products –Alerts & Indices - 12 minute Irradiance, mean field, ARP intensity/flare detection –Movies of ARPs in Intensity (updated hourly) –Horizontal Flow from LCT in ARPs (daily) –Coronal Field Models (daily, weekly) Global - PFSS, Hybrid - HCCSSS, MHD ARPs/Local - PF, NLFFF, MHD Field line maps, source surface maps, AIA overlays, MHD quantities –Magnetic field global harmonic coefficients - daily –1 AU Predictions - WSA velocity, polarity, field strength, etc (daily) –Coronal Holes - open foot points (daily) –Polar Field Estimate (monthly) Note: Not all products are produced by HMI.
HMI Magnetic Field Modules Vector Field Modules TimeAverage_IQUV StokesInversion FieldDisambiguation MergingPatches BxByBzTransform BrBtBpTransform BrInAzTransform VectorB_Remap VectorBSpatialAverage VectorBTemporalAverage CarringtonSynopticChart SynchronicFrame DailySynchronicUpdate VectorSynchronicMap PolarFieldExtrapolation MagneticHarmonicCoefficients PotentialField-SourceSurface PotentialField-Local NonLinearForceFreeField InferredHorizontalFlow-Local InferredHorizontalFlow-Global SolarWindModel ModelDynamicActiveRegions ModelDynamicCorona ModelHeliosphericConditions Model3DARField SpaceWeatherProducts-Local SpaceWeatherProducts-Global Associated HMI Pipeline Modules FeatureRecognition SpatialAverage Line of Sight Magnetic Field Modules B_LOS-Stokes B_LOS-Average B_LOS-Remap B_LOS-Remap_and_Average B_LOS-CarringtonMap B_LOS-SynchronicFrame B_LOS-DailySynchronicMap B_LOS-MDI_Emulation HMI_MeanField