Draft Conceptual Model for LOSL Integrated Ecological Response Model Limno-Tech, Inc. 501 Avis Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Ecological Response Value? Input to Shared Vision Model Regulation Natural hydrological & climatological variations H&H Model predicted water level/flow hydrograph Wetland Habitat Quantity/Quality Riverine Habitat Quantity/Quality Aquatic BirdsFish Other Management Actions and System Stressors General Model Components Phytoplankton/B enthic algae Zooplankton Shoreline Habitat Quantity/Quality Nearshore Habitat Quantity/Quality Aquatic Macrophytes Mammals Open Water/Imp Quantity/Quality Benthic invertebrates Aquatic Insects Reptiles and amphibians
6/28/02LOSL1 Potential Quantitative Ecological Endpoints Abundance age-0 northern pike Abundance northern pike of reproductive age Acres wetland plant community type Acres geomorphic wetland type Wetland habitat suitability indicator Number breeding pairs Canada goose Canada goose brood survival rate Number Canada goose broods Abundance adult muskrat Number muskrat dens % cattails Aquatic insect biomass:productivity ratio Zooplankton diversity Zooplankton biomass Benthic algae biomass Acres submerged aquatic macrophyte indicator species (e.g., wild rice) Benthic invertebrate biomass Phytoplankton biomass Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Wetland Habitat Aquatic plant biomass Detrital production Vegetative succession Plant species composition Plant colonization Water clarity Soil moisture availability Autochthonous- allochthonous function Plant species diversity Anaerobic stress Soil nutrient availability Dissolved oxygen Water pH Water temperature Decreased habitat value Water nutrients Vegetative density Area Hydrologic function Back to Main Slide Go to Graphics
6/28/02LOSL1 Shoreline Habitat Plant colonization Vegetative succession Vegetative density Plant species composition Erodability Habitat value Organic matter Anaerobic stress in plants Slope Slope aspect Soil nutrient availability Plant species diversity Back to Main Slide Go to Graphics
6/28/02LOSL1 Riverine Habitat Riffle exposure Sedimentation Substrate changes Sediment transport Bed scour Morphology Shoaling Water clarity Large woody debris Back to Main Slide Habitat formation and maintenance Hydraulic refugia Dissolved oxygen Water temperature Nutrients pH Organic matter Go to Graphics
6/28/02LOSL1 Nearshore Habitat Sedimentation Substrate quality Sediment transport Water temperature Wave scour Water clarity Back to Main Slide Habitat formation and maintenance Dissolved oxygen Nutrients Organic matter Thermal stratification (e.g., thermal bars) Go to Graphics
6/28/02LOSL1 Open Lake/Impoundment Habitat Sedimentation Substrate quality Sediment transport Water temperature Wave scour Water clarity Go to Graphics Habitat formation and maintenance Dissolved oxygen Nutrients Organic matter Water temperature Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Fish Biomass Growth Recruitment Egg survival Functional organization Species composition Spawning cues Condition Bioenergetics Redd oxygenation/waste removal Abundance Habitat suitability Food webs Access to critical habitats Species diversity Behavioral mechanisms Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Fish Species of Interest Northern pike Smallmouth bass Whitefish Lake trout Anadromous species Other wetland dependent species Other flow dependent species (e.g., darters) Specific guilds Exotic species Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Mammals Mobility (availability of water) Stranded dens Flooded dens Access to food source Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Mammal Species of Interest Muskrat Mink Beaver Moose River otter Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Reptiles/Amphibians Dessication stress Adult survival Hibernation Species composition Population structure Nesting success Abundance Reproduction/juvenile survival Life history Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Reptiles and Amphibians of Interest Wetland turtles Riverine turtles Softshell turtles Snapping turtles Mud or musk turtles Map turtles Toads Frogs Eastern massasauga rattlesnake Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Aquatic Birds Invertebrate food availability during migration Plant food availability during migration Brood survival Nesting success –Flooding –Predator invasion Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Aquatic Bird Species of Interest Diving ducks Heron Plover Canada goose Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Aquatic Insects Species composition Productivity Biomass Dessication (dewatered habitat – e.g., riffles) Species diversity Growth Functional organization Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Aquatic Insect Species of Interest Dragonfly Damselfly Caddisfly Mayfly Beetles Specific functional feeding groups Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Benthic Invertebrates Productivity Biomass Reproduction Species composition Density Abundance Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Benthic Invertebrates of Interest Mussels Snails Crayfish Other small crustaceans Exotic species Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Zooplankton Productivity Biomass Species composition Species diversity Size distribution Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Zooplankton of Interest Copepods Cladocerans Rotifers Herbivors Carnivors Exotic species Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Phytoplankton and Benthic Algae Productivity Algal biomass Undesirable species Species composition Species diversity Planktonic/benthic species composition Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Phytoplankton and Benthic Algae of Interest Diatoms (attached and planktonic) Filamentous algae (e.g., cladophora) Green algae Blue-green algae Chara species Nitellas species Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Aquatic Macrophytes Productivity Biomass Undesirable species Species composition Species diversity Planktonic/benthic species composition Species list
6/28/02LOSL1 Aquatic Macrophytes of Interest Wild celery Wild rice Sedges Cattails Potamogetons Key wetland species Rushes Exotic species Specific community types Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Back to Main Slide
6/28/02LOSL1 Back to Main Slide