KING COUNTY CRITICAL AREAS ORDINANCE Harry Reinert King County Department of Development and Environmental Services
1/27/05 King County DDES 2 Growth Management Act: Planning Goals Urban growth. Reduce sprawl. Transportation. Housing. Economic development. Property rights. Permits. Natural resource industries. Open space and recreation. Environment. Citizen participation and coordination. Public facilities and services. Historic preservation. *Shoreline Management.
1/27/05 King County DDES 3 Growth Management Act: Comprehensive Plans Mandatory Elements Land use Housing Capital facilities Utilities Rural Transportation Economic development Parks and recreation
1/27/05 King County DDES 4 Growth Management Act: Required actions Designate and protect natural resource lands Designate critical areas Establish urban growth boundaries Protect the functions and values of critical areas
1/27/05 King County DDES 7 Growth Management Act: Best Available Science In designating and protecting critical areas … counties and cities shall include the best available science in developing policies and development regulations to protect the functions and values of critical areas. In addition, counties and cities shall give special consideration to conservation or protection measures necessary to preserve or enhance anadromous fisheries. (RCW 36.70A.172)
1/27/05 King County DDES 8 Growth Management Act: Periodic review and update December 1, 2004 Who – King County and 8 other counties and all of their cities What - review and update comprehensive plans and development regulations to comply with GMA King County Comprehensive Plan adopted September 27, 2004 Critical areas ordinance adopted October 25, 2004
1/27/05 King County DDES 9 King County Ordinance Three related ordinances Zoning and critical areas regulations Stormwater management Clearing and Grading
1/27/05 King County DDES 10 Objectives Comply with GMA deadlines Incorporate best available science Allow for urban growth Protect rural quality of life and rural lifestyle Encourage agriculture and forestry Recognize good stewardship