Outline Genes: definitions Molecular genetics - methodology Genome Content Molecular structure of mRNA-coding genes Genetics Gene regulation Genetics Molecular biology Arrays Issues Genetic and misexpression approaches
Gene Definitions Gene Molecular definition: stretch of DNA that encodes: Functional RNAs - tRNA, rRNA Functional proteins - mRNA All sequences necessary for proper function (genetic) – includes regulatory elements and transcription unit Generally excludes other types of genomic sequences Centromeres, telomeres, origins of DNA replication, transposons Genetic definition: element required for proper organismal function
Molecular Genetics Genetics [mutant phenotype] Molecular Biology [gene: sequence, expression-arrays] Biochemistry [activities, interactions] Cell biology [structure, dynamics]
Genomic Content Calf Thymus DNA sheared to a size of ~300 bp, denatured, and reannealed 3 classes: Highly repetitive – 10% DNA - anneals very rapidly Middle repetitive – 30% DNA - C 0 t 1/2 = 0.04 Non-repetitive (unique) – 60% DNA - C 0 t 1/2 = 4000
Highly Repetitive Simple Sequence DNA Clusters of tandemly-linked 5-10 bp repeats Can have > 10 6 copies/genome Not transcribed Drosophila virilis satellite DNAs > 95% each satellite consists of predominant sequence
Intermediately Repetitive DNA – Mobile Elements Repetitive elements interspersed among unique DNA Most are transposons – mobile DNA Many are no longer able to transpose Dispersed throughout the genome Different classes Transpose as DNA or RNA intermediates Unique DNA Repeat
Unique DNA-Coding Sequence Genes Slow kinetic class corresponds mainly to protein-coding genes Average gene size (transcribed region only)/organism E. coli 1.2 kb Yeast 1.7 kb Drosophila 11.3 kb Human 27.0 kb As complexity increases, so does gene size
Overview of Gene Expression-1 Regulatory region Transcription unit DNA > ACGT RNA > ACGU Transport to cytoplasm Nucleus
Overview of Gene Expression-2 aa1 = methionine Protein - myoglobin
DNA and Clones Genomic or chromosomal DNA – genomic clones (exons, introns, spacer, etc.) Transcription unit – entire region of gene transcribed (exons + introns) mRNA – cDNA clones (exonic sequences) ESTs – expressed sequence tags Oligonucleotides – small stretches of DNA (~20-50 nt)
Human Genome Project: Gene Number Size 3,200 Mb Predicted gene number Celera – 39,114 Public consortium – 29,691 Refseq (known genes) – 11,015 Non-identity ~64% novel genes don’t overlap > 80% novel genes expressed Indicates they are real Estimate ~50,000 genes Estimate ~ 64 kb/gene Transcribed region = 27 kb Spacer DNA = 37 kb Repeats + control elements Human – large number of transcripts/gene exist because of alternative splicing
Completed Genomic Sequencing Projects Human – disease genes Drosophila – model system for animal development and gene control Strength - genetics Nematode - model system for development and behavior Strength - genetics Fly and human more related than worm-human Arabidopsis – weed: model plant genetic system Crop plants – rice, maize Yeast – typical eukaryotic cell E. coli Many pathogenic bacteria - disease
Genome Projects in Progress Multiple Humans – SNPs : disease genes and predispositions Mouse – model system to study human/mammalian gene function Strength – knockout mutants Zebrafish - model vertebrate genetic system Strength – large-scale genetic screens Crop plants – poplar, apple, tomato + pests Additional Drosophila species Identify gene control regions
Drosophila Drosophila genome = 180 Mb Sequenced 120 Mb euchromatic region 60 Mb heterochromatic region unsequenced (few genes) Annotation – 13,601 predicted genes Genie – predicts ORFs/exons Compare to Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs-cDNAs) Blast searches – sequence identity to known genes
Complications of Gene Prediction by Computer: Cranky Example RT-PCR of embryonic RNA 33 kb Exons Genie CG CG14554 CG CG EST-LP ' EST-LP '
Drosophila Gene Functions 14,113 predicted transcripts with different coding sequences Biochemical function Process 2,081 Transcription factors 2,274 Metabolism 2,422 Enzymes 530 Cell communication 665 Transporters 486 Development 622 Signal transduction 201 Physiology 303 Structural proteins 118 Sensation & behavior 216 Cell adhesion 8,884 Unknown 7,576 Unknown