Alternative Pathways in Photosynthesis
Figure A review of photosynthesis
“C 3 ” Plants
Guard cells Pore Stoma 18 µm Leaf surfaces contain stomata Photosynthesis relies on CO 2 entering the leaf and O 2 leaving the leaf
Leaf cross-section CO 2 Carbon dioxide diffuses into leaves through stomata H2OH2O BUT: water also escapes through the stomata
CO 2 stored in mesophyll cell CO 2 used in adjacent bundle sheath cell Organic acid Calvin cycle CO 2 G3P CO 2 C 4 plants sequester CO 2 in certain cells C 4 pathway Examples of C 4 plants: corn, sugarcane, many grasses
Figure C 4 leaf anatomy and the C 4 pathway
C 4 Plants
CO 2 used during the day CO 2 stored at night CO 2 G3P Calvin cycle Organic acid CAM plants sequester CO 2 at night C 4 pathway Examples of CAM plants: pineapples, cacti, and most succulents.
CAM Plants Welwitschia
Figure C 4 and CAM photosynthesis compared