©2004 Prentice Hall16-1 Marketing Process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individuals and organizational objectives
©2004 Prentice Hall16-2 Marketing Mix How to develop the firm’s products How to price those products How to sell those products How to distribute those products to the firm’s customers Who is the Target Market?
©2004 Prentice Hall16-3 The Elements of the Marketing Mix for International Firms ProductPlacePromotionPricing Marketing Mix
©2004 Prentice Hall16-4 Key Decision-Making Factors Standardization versus customization Legal forces Economic factors Changing exchange rates Target customers Cultural influences Competition
©2004 Prentice Hall16-5 Standardization versus Customization Should the firm adopt an ethnocentric approach? Should it adopt a polycentric approach? Should it adopt a geocentric approach?
©2004 Prentice Hall16-6 Standardized International Marketing Advantages Reduces marketing costs Facilitates centralized control of marketing Promotes efficiency in R&D Results in economies of scale in production Reflects the trend toward a single global marketplace Disadvantages Ignores different conditions of product use Ignores local legal differences Ignores differences in buyer behavior patterns Inhibits local marketing initiatives Ignores other differences in individual markets
©2004 Prentice Hall16-7 Customized International Marketing Advantages Reflects different conditions of product use Acknowledges local legal differences Accounts for differences in buyer behavior patterns Promotes local marketing initiatives Accounts for other differences in individual markets Disadvantages Increases marketing costs Inhibits centralized control of marketing Creates inefficiency in R&D Reduces economies of scale in production Ignores the trend toward a single global marketplace
©2004 Prentice Hall16-8 Product Life Cycle IntroGrowthMaturityDecline Profit Sales
©2004 Prentice Hall16-9 Break Even Analysis Units $ Cost Curve = Fixed Costs + Variable Costs Total Revenue Curve = Selling Price X Units BE = Total Fixed Costs/Price – Variable Costs
©2004 Prentice Hall16-10 Pricing Policies Standard price policy Two-tiered pricing Market pricing
©2004 Prentice Hall16-11 Conditions for Market Pricing Firm must face different demand and/or cost conditions in the countries in which it sells its products Firm must be able to prevent arbitrage
©2004 Prentice Hall16-12 Risks to Market Pricing Complaints about dumping Damage to its brand name Development of a gray market for its products Consumer resentment against discriminatory prices
©2004 Prentice Hall16-13 Promotion Mix Advertising Personal Selling Sales Promotion Public Relations
©2004 Prentice Hall16-14 Factors affecting Advertising Strategy The message it wants to convey The media available for conveying the message The extent to which the firm wants to globalize its advertising effort
©2004 Prentice Hall16-15 Advantages of Personal Selling for International Firms Local sales representatives understand local culture, norms, and customs Personal selling promotes close, personal contact with customers Personal selling makes it easier for firm to adopt valuable market information
©2004 Prentice Hall16-16 Distribution Issues Physically transporting its goods and services from where they are created to the various markets in which they are to be sold Selecting the means by which to merchandise its good in the markets it wants to serve
©2004 Prentice Hall16-17 Basic Parts of a Distribution Channel The manufacturer A wholesaler The retailer The actual customer
©2004 Prentice Hall16-18 Distribution Channel Options
©2004 Prentice Hall16-19 Using E-Commerce and disintermediation.