New Testament Survey: Book of 2 Corinthians


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Presentation transcript:

New Testament Survey: Book of 2 Corinthians Title Slide: New Testament Survey: Book of 2 Corinthians…

The Author Both external and internal evidence indicates that Paul also wrote this letter to the church at Corinth. Since it was circulated later, it is not often quoted by other writers. Twice, Paul referred to himself. 1:1; 10:1 The letter’s vividness and the character of its detail are qualities of Paul’s writings. See page 61…

The Date Paul left Ephesus shortly after writing the first epistle to Corinth. Passages in the second epistle may indicate a short trip between the two letters—”third time” 2 Corinthians 12:14; 13:1 Second letter probably written from Philippi after Paul received word from Titus concerning the first letter. 2 Corinthians 7:15,16 Likely written around 56 or 57 A.D. See page 61…

The Letter’s Purpose Autobiographical in nature. Personal; made of up of explanations, defense, protests, appeals, reproaches, and warnings. Characterized by subtle irony. It appears that the Judaizing teachers had come to Corinth and were again undermining Paul’s work. 2 Corinthians 10:7; 11:13 These people had made false attacks and insulted Paul in every possible way. They intended to destroy Paul’s influence and establish themselves with the brethren. See page 61 and 62…

The Letter’s Purpose Circumstances made it necessary for Paul to defend himself and his work. Not in the interest of self-vindication. Preserving his influence and protecting the Corinthian brethren against false teachers In Chapters 1-7, Paul defended his ministry; Chapters 10-13 defended his authority and apostolic office. In Chapters 8 and 9, he stirred up the brethren to carry out their intention to send a contribution to the poor saints in Jerusalem. See page 62…

Contents and Character In defense of his ministry, Paul had shown no fickleness or character instability by failing to come to them personally. 2 Corinthians 1:15-20 His plans always depended on God’s providential will. Reminded them of his great trial in Asia when his life was in danger—but God comforted him so he could come and comfort them. Acts 18 See page 62…

Contents and Character Some had accused Paul of being severe in his letters, but weak in his personal presence. If it had been necessary, he would have been severe when he was present with them. He was writing to them with anguish of heart and many tears—not to grieve them. Reminded them to accept the disciplined man back into fellowship (1 Cor.5) because he had repented. Evidence of his effective ministry. 2 Corinthians 3:1-3 See page 62…

Contents and Character Draws a contrast between the Law of Moses and the Gospel of Christ Written and engraved on stone tablets, while the gospel was written in the heart by the Spirit (3:3). Law of Moses = “ministry of condemnation” New Covenant = “ministry of righteousness” (3:9) Law of Moses = “ministration of death” Gospel of Christ = “ministration of Spirit” (3:6,7) Law of Moses = “that which is done away” Gospel of Christ = “that which remains” (3:11) See pages 62 and 63…Paul answered the Judaizers by showing the New Covenant is more glorious than the Old.

Contents and Character Paul stated that the gospel treasure was in earthen vessels. The God who caused the “light to shine out of the darkness” has shown in men’s hearts to give “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God.” First revealed in Christ—now revealed in the gospel message. 4:1-7 Pointed out the persecutions he had endured—he would do it again for their sake. 4:8-12 See pages 62 and 63…This was his answer to the Judaizers, showing the reasons for and purposes of his work as an apostle.

Contents and Character A proper perspective and outlook on life. “Spirit of faith” is to believe and speak as it is written. Eternal nature that dwells within man. Temporal things cannot last; but spiritual things are eternal. One day, we’ll put off our mortal bodies and put on immortality—after death and the resurrection. As creatures of ability, we are responsible to God and will answer to Him in the judgment. 4:13—5:11 See page 63…

Contents and Character Commending oneself or glorying in appearance is vain. Christ died for us, and only in Him can the old man of sin be crucified. We can be new creatures who are reconciled to God. Paul was an ambassador for Christ. The “word of reconciliation” had been committed to him. 5:12—21 See page 63…

Contents and Character He pleaded with them not to receive God’s grace (His gospel) in vain. Paul had not put any obstacles in their way; they could not find any fault with his ministry. He had worked among them with patience, during affliction, without life’s necessities, and in distress… 6:1-13 See page 63…

Contents and Character Paul admonished them to refrain from compromising their faith in Christ by fellowshipping the idolatry of the heathen people. Must keep themselves separate from the heathen practices of the city in which they lived. Must strive for perfect holiness in the fear of God. 6:14—7:1 See page 63…

Contents and Character Paul assured them of his love for them, that he gloried in them, and that he would continue to be concerned about their well being. He was comforted by the message he received from Titus. The sinful man had repented and corrected his wrong. Contrasts worldly sorrow and godly sorrow. 7:2-16 See page 63, 64…Worldly sorrow brings death, but godly sorrow leads one to true repentance—not to be regretted! Paul expressed confidence in them in all things.

Contents and Character Discussion and exhortation concerning the contribution promised a year ago for the poor saints in Jerusalem. Used the brethren in Macedonia as an example. By fulfilling their obligation, they would demonstrate the sincerity of their love. Their abundance could supply what the poor lacked—thereby creating equality. Chapters 8 and 9 See page 64…Points back to the manna gathered in the wilderness (Exo.16:18)…

Contents and Character Helps us arrive at the Lord’s pattern for “one church helping another church” Receiving church was unable to provide for its own who were in need of help. Contributing church raised its own funds by free will offering on the first day of the week. Contributing church sent the money through an individual messenger chosen by them. Contribution delivered to the elders of the needy church. 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Acts 11:27-30 See page 64…

Contents and Character Christians were to “give as they had purposed in their hearts.” Must give cheerfully—not grudgingly God is able to make His grace abound so that those who give will have an abundance for every good work. Brings about thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 See page 64…

Contents and Character Paul made a direct defense of his apostleship. Affirmed his authority as an apostle. Labors and fruits give evidence of the Lord’s approval—he need not to do so himself. Reminded them that he had begotten them in Christ through the gospel. Affirmed that he was not one whit behind the chiefest apostle. 2 Corinthians 10,11 See page 64…

Contents and Character Paul made a direct defense of his apostleship. He had taken no money from them; other churches supported him. Branded the false teachers as false apostles whom Satan had transformed into ministers! Paul had exhibited the signs of an apostle—miracles. After being stoned in Lystra, he was caught up into Paradise, where he heard unspeakable words. 2 Corinthians 11 See page 64,65…

Contents and Character Paul made a direct defense of his apostleship. He had suffered many trials and afflictions for the cause of Christ. Paul’s “thorn if the flesh” that God would not remove because His grace was sufficient to sustain him. Paul was not bragging, but telling the true facts of his work—overwhelming evidence that sustained his claim to be an apostle! 2 Corinthians 11, 12 See page 65…

Contents and Character Specific exhortations: Walk in the same spirit. Be united among yourselves. Examine yourselves, whether you be in the faith. Be of one mind and live in peace. 2 Corinthians 12,13 See page 65…