Diffusion of the iPad Stephanie Fuhs Walden University EDUC
Need Make the computer portable Eliminate the keyboard
Research Apple has a strong research and development program Investigated ways to eliminate the keyboard Protoype was successful, but Jobs postponed production because it would work better as a mobile phone
Development Initially iPad was marketed to consumers looking to move to tablet PCs Gradually built a following in education markets 1 st generation lacked printing and file sharing abilities
Commercialization Assembled by Foxconn in China Components are developed and manufactured by multiple companies Only available through Apple, eventually available through other distributors
References Apple (2011). Product images and info: iPad. Retrieved from Apple. (2011). iPad2. Retrieved from Associated Press (2010, June 2). Jobs says iPad idea came before iPhone. Retrieved from Saint, N. (2010, March 31). Where in the world is my iPad?. Retrieved from world-is-my-ipad DTLhttp:// world-is-my-ipad DTL Time Magazine Business (2007, January 12). The apple of your ear. Retrieved from