FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform FI-WARE Cloud Hosting July 2011 High-level description
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform Overview Based on GEs in the Cloud Hosting Chapter, FI-WARE Instance Providers will be able to offer IaaS and PaaS Cloud Hosting Services to Future Internet Application Providers: IaaS Cloud Hosting Services: the app provider will be able to rent raw compute resources such as storage, servers or network, or some combination of them. PaaS Cloud Hosting Services: the app provider follows a specific programming model and a standard set of technologies to develop applications and/or application components and then deploys them in a set of virtual application containers it rents. The advantage of IaaS vs PaaS is that it enables users to setup their own personalized runtime system architecture. However it allows this at the price of still requiring system admin skills by the user. 1
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform Overview 2
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform IaaS DataCenter Resource Management This GE deals with provisioning of virtual resources over nodes of a DataCenter: Virtual Machines (VMs), Virtual Networks and Virtual Storage Major functions performed: Orchestration and dispatching of placement request Discovery & inventory of nodes and virtual resources Provisioning and life cycle management of virtual resources over nodes Capacity management & admission control Placement optimization QoS management & resource allocation guarantees Resource reservation and over-commit Monitoring & metering Isolation and security Resiliency 3
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform IaaS DataCenter Resource Management IaaS DataCenter Resources are managed in a hierarchical manner: At the top, the DataCenter-wide Resource Manager (DCRM) is responsible for surfacing the functions and capabilities required for the provision and life-cycle management of virtual resources At the bottom, the Node-level Resource Managers (NRMs) are responsible for managing the resources provided by individual physical nodes In between, a number of System Pools may be defined, typically encapsulating homogenous and physically co-located pools of resources (computing, storage, and network resources) The Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) will be used to expose functions supported at each level Resource Managers at all levels will apply intelligent placement optimization and resource over-commit in conjunction with Resource Allocation Service Level Objectives (RA-SLOs) 4
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform IaaS Cloud-edge Resource Management This GE allows the application provider to design and deploy the application so that part of it can be located at the network edge, closer to the end-user (consumer). It relies on intermediate entities, which we call “cloud proxies”, located at the network edge (typically a set top box in the home environment) equipped with cloud hosting capabilities. Hosting capabilities exported by the Cloud Proxy enable deployment of VMs or storage resources as well as configuration of connections to end-user’s devices 5
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform IaaS Object Storage Management The Storage Hosting GE enables to store items (objects) as units of both opaque data and meta-data. Besides CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on storage objects, this GE will enable: Storage of objects along with user and provider specified metadata into logical groups named as “containers” Specification of QoS requirements (e.g. number of replicas, geographic location of the data) that objects or containers must be adhered to Versioning of objects Retrieval of metrics associated to objects and containers, including audit and accounting information The Storage Hosting GE will export functions through a standard CDMI interface 6
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform IaaS Service Management The IaaS Service Management GE introduces a higher-level of abstraction on top of IaaS Resource Manager GEs (both DataCenter and Cloud-edge) and interfaces from 3 rd IaaS Cloud (e.g. Amazon) dealing with: Deployment lifecycle management Elasticity governance Federation Functions supported by the IaaS Service Management GE will be exposed through the Cloud Service Management API which allows to deploy portions of an OVF-based IaaS Service Manifest 7
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform IaaS Service Management An IaaS Service Manifest comprises the description of a Virtual Data Center (VDC) which is a high-level definition of the infrastructure needed to support the execution of a given application/service: vApps (set of VMs and, optionally, nested vApps), virtual networks, virtual storage systems and other virtual resources required to deploy the service Hardware requirements and RA-SLOs to keep when deploying VMs Restriction service KPIs for scaling up or down (elasticity) A rule-based system governs the elasticity of the Cloud. Elasticity rules follow the Event-Condition-Action approach, so that automated actions are triggered when certain conditions relating to monitored events (KPIs) hold: Horizontal scalability: deployment-undeployment of virtual resources (e.g., deployment of additional VMs) Vertical scalability: changing resource parameters linked to virtual resources (e.g., RAM or CPUs in a VM, allocated bandwidth in a VLAN) 8
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform PaaS Management The PaaS Management GE will provide to the users the facility to manage their applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure of virtual resources (VMs, virtual networks and virtual storage) required for the execution of the application components. The user will only provide an Application Description (AD) specifying: How the application is structured into Application Components (ACs) and how these ACs are connected each other Connection between ACs and FI-WARE GEs offered “as a Service” (e.g., the Data/Context Publish/Subscribe Broker GE) The set of Virtual Platform Container Nodes on top of which ACs will be virtually deployed, each supporting the technology stack required for ACs deployed on top to run and corresponding to each of the different tiers in which the Application will be structured The Elasticity Rules and configuration parameters that may help to define how the initial IaaS Service Manifest definition will be defined and what initial elasticity rules will be established 9
FI-WARE – Future Internet Core Platform PaaS Management The PaaS Management GE transforms the AD into an Application Deployment Descriptor (ADD) which consists in: An initial IaaS Service Manifest or changes to an existing IaaS deployment, enabling to setup the virtual execution infrastructure required for the application to run Information necessary to install, configure and run the different ACs on top of VMs in the virtual execution infrastructure Deployment of the ADD comprises the following steps: Interaction with the IaaS Service Management GE, for setting-up the VDC on top of which Application Components will run, based on the IaaS Service manifest or set of changes to existing IaaS deployment in the ADD Installation of the software linked to Application Components and Provision of the connection to other FI-WARE GE services (e.g., Data/Context Management GEs) that the application is going to use. Start of the different Application Components on which the Application is structured. 10
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