Europe’s featherweight democracies History 104 / April 3, 2013
Wilson’s 14 Points (Jan. 8, 1918)
New states in Europe,
Lenin and Trotsky consult with members of the Comintern,
Leaders of the “Soviet Republic” in Munich, spring 1919
The Freikorps (voluntary militias) crush left-wing uprisings in Munich and Berlin
The Cenotaph in London, built : “The Glorious Dead”
Tombs of the Unknown Soldier: Britain & USA
The Anglo-French memorial at Thiepval, the Somme
Dock strikers in Britain, 1926
The ossuary at Verdun, France
Below this structure: the unidentified remains of ca. 130,000 French and German soldiers
The Nuremberg “Hall of Honor” (dedicated 1930)
Look familiar?
Scenes of labor turmoil: strike-breakers, soup kitchen
The “Big Four” at Versailles - Wilson - Lloyd George - Clemenceau - Orlando
Territory lost by Germany, 1919
The League of Nations opens, Nov. 5, 1920 (Geneva, Switzerland)
Hyperinflation in Germany
Munich, November a radical young nationalist leads the “Beer Hall putsch”