Knowledge of English Metrics Knowledge of English Metrics
1. meter 格律 regularized rhythm, an arrangement of language in which the stressed syllables occur at apparently equal intervals in time. 2.foot 音步 basic metrical or rhythmical unit within a line of poety.
3. four types of feet 1 ) iamb/iambic 抑扬格(的) eg to ˊ day 2 ) trochee/trochaic 扬抑格(的) eg mor ˊ ning 3 ) anapest/anapestic 抑抑杨格(的) eg on the ˊ top 4 ) dactyl/dactylic 扬抑抑格(的) eg ˊ evening
Different numbers of feet in a line: 1.monometre 单音步 2.dimetre 双音步 3.trimeter 三音步 4.tetrameter 5.pentametre 6.hexametre 7.heptametre 8.octametre
1.rhyme scheme 2.scan 3.forms of English poetry 1)heroic couplet a pair of iambic pentameter line rhyming aa, bb, cc,… 2)sonnet: iambic pentameter rhyming abab cdcd efef gg 3)blank verse unrhymed iambic pentameter