Machismo in Latin American
Characteristics of Machismo: Aggressive and violent behavior towards others Heavy use of alcohol Homophobia Emotional detachment Adultery
Machismo in Literature
BIBLIOGRAPHY "Dictionary." Dictionary.Com. 2007. Lexico Publishing Group. 03 Apr. 2007 <(>. Gutmann, Matthew C. The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California P, 1996. "Latin America - Machismo." Jrank. 2007. Net Industries. 03 Apr. 2007 <>. Lopez, and Trinidad. "Machismo." The Latino Encyclopedia. 4 vols. New York: Chabran, 1996. "Women’S Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean." Humans Rights Watch. 2006. 03 Apr. 2007 <>.