TURKISH STRAITS SYSTEM MARMARA SEA, DARDANELLES AND BOSPHORUS STRAITS coupling the Aegean and Black Seas the meeting place of: waters of the Black and Mediterranean Seas, land and sea traffic, migrating fish and birds, fault lines, earthquakes, pollution and people
volume fluxes (km 3 /yr) derived from mass balance
Bosphorus and Marmara nutrient fluxes Polat and Tuğrul, 1995
deep bathymetry Salinity, April 1995 (Beşiktepe, 2000)
upper layer circulation lower layer circulation (Beşiktepe et al. 1994)
Surface salınity and dynamic height (Beşiktepe et al. 1994)
sar image thermal image
Gravity currents, Hüsrevoğlu, 1999
Salinity section Marmara to Black Sea across the Bosphorus Özsoy et al. 2001