1 Civil Systems Planning Benefit/Cost Analysis Scott Matthews Courses: and Lecture /4/2002
and Administrivia PS 3 due Wednesday!
and Another Type of Model Last few lectures dealt with ‘solving’ problems with multiple (more than 2) “criteria” Recall criteria could be cost, social values, … Also dealt with formulating these problems In simpler models, what happens when we cannot/will not monetize all aspects? Example: what if we are evaluating options/policies with cost, a benefit is lives or injuries saved? Do we place a value on these benefits? Are there other ways to ‘solve’ this?
and Cost-Effectiveness Testing Generally, use when: Considering externality effects or damages Could be environmental, safety, etc. Alternatives give same result - e.g. ‘reduced x’ Benefit-Cost Analysis otherwise difficult/impossible Instead of finding NB, find “cheapest” Want greatest bang for the buck Find cost “per unit benefit” (e.g. lives saved) Allows us to NOT include ‘social costs’
and Why CEA instead of CBA? Similar to comments on MCDM Constraints may limit ability to perform Monetizing maybe difficult or controversial Easy to find lives saved, hard to judge value Monetizing can’t capture total social value or distorts its value
and The CEA ratios CE = C/E Equals cost “per unit of effectiveness” e.g. $ per lives saved, tons CO2 reduced Want to minimize CE (cheapest is best) EC = E/C Effectiveness per unit cost e.g. Lives saved per dollar Want to maximize EC No real difference between 2 ratios
and An Obvious Example
and Interesting Example
and Lessons Learned Ratios still tend to hide results CEA used with constraints? Minimize C s.t. E > E* Min. effectiveness level (prev slide) Find least costly way to achieve it Minimize CE s.t. E > E* Generally -> higher levels of C and E! Can have similar rules to constrain cost
and Sample Applications Cost-effectiveness of: New drug/medical therapies Pollution prevention Safety regulations
and Why is CEA so relevant for public policy analysis? Limited resources! Opportunity cost of public spending I.e. if we spend $100 M with agency A, its $100 M we cannot spend elsewhere There is no federal rule saying ‘each million dollars spent must save x lives’
and Another CEA Example Automated defribillators in community What would costs be? What is effectiveness?
and Specifics on Saving Lives Cost-Utility Analysis Quantity and quality of lives important Just like discounting, lives are not equal Back to the developing/developed example But also: YEARS are not equal Young lives “more important” than old Cutting short a year of life for us vs Cutting short a year of life for 85-year-old Often look at ‘life years’ rather than ‘lives’ saved.. These values also get discounted