1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview1 University of Chicago Experimental HEP Group (NSF supported) Overview Physics: past, present, future Training students.


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Presentation transcript:

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview1 University of Chicago Experimental HEP Group (NSF supported) Overview Physics: past, present, future Training students Electronics Development Group Service to HEP community Support from the university M. Shochet

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview2 Faculty During past 10 years: 7 faculty members Blucher, Frisch, Kim, Merritt, Oreglia, Pilcher, Shochet, Winstein Winstein → cosmology2001 Kim → Chicago2003

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview3 History of Chicago NSF group: experiments Current faculty & Winstein (led most experiments) –Inclusive high  P T particle FNAL 2 experiments; parton scattering –Observation of K L →  +  ZGS Serious puzzle solved –Study of direct  FNAL 2 experiments by 2 groups Continuum, resonances –Study of dilepton production in hadron FNAL 3 experiments by 2 groups Parton scattering; PDFs –Direct CP FNAL Series of experiments over > 2 decades Origin of CP ; many other related measurements –Early search for FNAL If  m 2 had been really large, …

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview4 –Hadronic production of FNAL Using prompt muons –Search for magnetic monopoles SQUIDS, scalable to large areas –Search for  atoms in K L FNAL Anomalous interactions Retired faculty; → particle astrophysics –Search for  →e Los Alamos Lepton flavor violation –Deep inelastic  FNAL Nucleon structure functions –High energy air showers CASA

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview5 Physics Questions 1.What is the source of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking? –W & top masses, Higgs searches, top properties 2.What is the source of the matter/antimatter asymmetry? K,, (B) 3.What is the basic structure of space-time? Closely related to force unification & naturalness SUSY, extra dimensions, ?

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview6 Recent Work: ATLAS, CDF, KTeV, OPAL OPAL: –Detector: EM presampler, precision  detector –Analysis: Higgs searches, precision tests of SM, beyond SM searches –Leadership: Physics & Run Coordinators, physics group conveners W Mass fermiphobic Higgs SM Higgs WW→qql H→  H→ 

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview7 KTeV: (NSF) –Detector: CsI calorimeter, trigger, DAQ –Analysis:   / , neutral K parameters, form factors, V us –Leadership: spokesperson (2) f + (0)|V us |

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview8 CDF: –Detector: level 1 & 2 triggers, Silicon Vertex Trigger (SVT), CEM timing, drift chamber TDC, data quality monitor –Analysis: top & W properties, new phenomena searches, b/c studies –Leadership: co-spokesperson (2), physics group conveners  + E T tt cross section top mass (extra dimensions)

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview9 ATLAS: –Detector: hadron calorimeter, calorimeter reconstruction software, future hardware track trigger –Leadership: Collaboration Board chair, US Institutional Board chair (2), combined performance working group coordinator (2) Barrel Calorimeter calorimeter resolution jet reconstruction 12/ testbeam optimizing layer weights

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview10 Newer Efforts Braidwood Reactor Experiment: –Leadership: co-spokesperson Linear Collider –Leadership: American Linear Collider Physics Group co-chair

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview11 Near Future ATLAS: (physics questions 1, 3) –Commissioning detector; preparing for 1 st data; track trigger proposal CDF: (physics questions 1, 3, (2)) –Complete upgrades; physics analysis KTeV: (physics question 2) –Complete physics analysis Braidwood: (physics question 2) –Prepare full proposal Linear Collider: (physics questions 1, 3, 2(?)) –Physics implications for detector and accelerator

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview12 Scientific Personnel Undergraduates: –Typically 5-10 during the school year –During summer, REU students also join

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview13 Student Training Graduate students get broad training. –Physics analysis –Almost all students gain significant hardware experience. Calorimeters Tracking devices Most frequently: electronics –E-Shop as teaching tool –Sophisticated modern CAD tools –Design, simulate, prototype, debug, production, monitoring & maintenance Undergraduates do significant research –Detectors & analysis

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview14 Recent Departures Postdocs –Kara Hoffman → Maryland faculty –Sasha Glazov → staff scientist at DESY –Taka Maruyama → Tsukuba faculty –Maria Spiropulu → staff scientist at CERN –Bruce Knuteson → MIT faculty –Bill Ashmanskas → Fermilab scientist (post Cornell faculty, …) Graduate students –Francesco Spano → CERN Fellow –Colin Bown → University of Texas Applied Research Laboratory –Pedro Amaral → CERN Fellow –Val Prasad (FNAL Dissertation Award) → Yale postdoc Undergraduate students (a few examples) –Peter Onyisi: APS Apker Award –Matt Baumgart: Goldwater Scholarship, Marshall→Cambridge –Abby Kaboth: Goldwater Scholarship

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview15 More training Seminars –Monday afternoon formal HEP seminar: weekly in academic year –Monday informal lunch HEP seminar: weekly during most of the year –Theory: Wednesday seminar –Cosmology: Wednesday seminar, Friday informal lunch seminar –Astrophysics: Wednesday colloquium –Enrico Fermi Institute mini-symposia (incl. run II, SUSY, dark matter) –Physics Department: Thursday colloquium Colleagues –Experimental HEP (DOE): Yau Wah –Accelerator physics: Kwang-Je Kim –Particle astrophysics: Juan Collar, Jim Cronin, Dietrich Muller, Simon Swordy –Cosmology: John Carlstrom, Stephen Meyer, Clem Pryke, Bruce Winstein –Theory: Sean Carrroll, Jeff Harvey, Rocky Kolb, David Kutasov, Joe Lykken, Emil Marinec, Jon Rosner, Sav Sethi, Mike Turner, Carlos Wagner

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview16 Electronics Development Group Critical to all of our experiments over the past >30 years. –ATLAS: TileCal front end, track trigger –CDF: run I & II trigger, SVT, TDC’s –KTeV: trigger electronics –OPAL: preshower front end,  monitor readout Developed very powerful CAD system –Full simulation at the chip, board, multi-board levels Signal propagation on PC traces including EM cross talk –We have had tools that Fermilab couldn’t afford to purchase. –No blue wires! –Won a number of awards from Mentor Graphics for board design Teaching: Student/postdoc works under engineer’s guidance. Projects in support of others: –Ex: CDF Level-2 upgrade: Fermilab responsibility, led by postdoc. MAGIC imaging Cherenkov telescopes for  -ray astronomy (Canary Islands)

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview17 Service to HEP Community Many lab, project, university, funding agency, & NRC visiting committees, panels, subpanels –U.S., CERN, DESY National & international conference organizing committees Journal editorial boards DPF Executive Committee, APS committees Future international projects –US Linear Collider Steering Committee –Muon Technical Advisory Committee

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview18 University Support Fermi-McCormick Fellowships Facilities –computer room improvements for Tier 2 & GRID, KTeV clean room, OPAL & ATLAS high-bay areas Seed funds –E-Shop CAD system, ATLAS TileCal & software development, Braidwood site evaluation Running E-Shop as a recharge operation Distinguished Visiting Professors – including experimentalists –Past: V. Fitch, D. Kleppner, D. Wilkinson –In the coming year: W. Marciano, L. DiLella Fast computer network –In HEP & fiber optic connection to Argonne/Fermilab Renovated space for HEP group

1/14/05NSF Site Review: Overview19 Summary Group with a strong record of research and training Scientific leadership in all of our activities Current & future activities addressing important questions in elementary particle physics Outreach activities in K-12, university, and community (Mark Oreglia)