Dewey Decimal Classification System Lecture 1 Bair-Mundy
Melvil Dewey Librarian at Amherst College when he developed the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library published in 1876 Original was 44 pages long
DDC today Four volumes Published every 8 years Online version updated frequently Responsive to customer needs
Four volumes of DDC 22 Volume 1 Manual Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual + Tables Schedules Relative Index
Two features introduced by Dewey Relative location - Dewey system numbers books in terms of their relation to one another without regard to the shelves or rooms where they are placed Relative index - Brings together under one term the locations in the scheme of a subject which falls in several fields of study
Two ways to find a number in the schedules Summaries Front of schedules (Volume 2) Ten main classes Hundred divisions Thousand sections Relative index Last volume (Volume 4) Relates subjects to disciplines
The Dewey Decimal System Advantage: Orderly, hierarchical system that organizes the universe of knowledge Disadvantage: Based on the decimal system. The real world isn’t neatly divided into tens (e.g. periodical table)
Francis Bacon W.T. Harris Dewey Philosophy (Reason) Poesy (Imagination) History (Memory) (Inverted) Science Philosophy Religion Soc. & Pol. Sci. Natural Sci. Art Fine arts Poetry Pure fiction Literary misc. History Geography & Travel Science Philosophy Religion Sociology Science Art Fine arts Literature History Geography & Travel
Summaries Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
First summary The Ten Main Classes 000Computer science, information & general works 100Philosophy & psychology 200Religion 300Social sciences 400Language 500Science 600Technology 700Arts& recreation 800Literature 900History & geography
Ten main classes 000Computer science, information & general works 100Philosophy & psychology 200Religion 300Social sciences 400Language 500Science 600Technology 700Arts& recreation 800Literature 900History & geography The first digit in the number indicates the main class. Zeros are used to fill out the notation to the minimum required length of digits.
Ten main classes 000Computer science, information & general works 100Philosophy & psychology 200Religion 300Social sciences 400Language 500Science 600Technology 700Arts& recreation 800Literature 900History & geography
Ten main classes 000Computer science, information & general works 100Philosophy & psychology 200Religion 300Social sciences 400Language 500Science 600Technology 700Arts& recreation 800Literature 900History & geography Includes 020 Library and information sciences
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 000Computer science, knowledge & systems 010Bibliographies 020Library & information sciences 030Encyclopedias & books of facts 040[Unassigned] 050Magazines, journals & serials 060Associations, organizations & museums 070News media, journalism & publishing 080Quotations 090Manuscripts & rare books [040][Unassigned] Most recently used in Edition 16
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 200Religion 210Philosophy & theory of religion 220The Bible 230Christianity & Christian theology 240Christian practice & observance 250Christian pastoral practice & religious orders 260Christian organization, social work & worship 270History of Christianity 280Christian denominations 290Other religions
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 500Science 510Mathematics 520Astronomy 530Physics 540Chemistry 550Earth sciences & geology 560Fossils & prehistoric life 570Life sciences; biology 580Plants (Botany) 590Animals (Zoology)
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 570Life sciences; biology Subordinate topic forms main part of the disciplinary area Dual heading
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 500Science 510Mathematics 520Astronomy 530Physics 540Chemistry 550Earth sciences & geology 560Fossils & prehistoric life 570Life sciences; biology 580Plants (Botany) 590Animals (Zoology) 530Physics 5 = Science3 = Physics
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 600Technology 610Medicine & health 620Engineering 630Agriculture 640Home & family management 650Management & public relations 660Chemical engineering 670Manufacturing 680Manufacture for specific uses 690Building & construction
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 900History 910Geography & travel 920Biography & genealogy 930History of ancient world (to ca. 499) 940History of Europe 950History of Asia 960History of Africa 970History of North America 980History of South America 990History of other areas
Third summary The Thousand Sections 020Library & information sciences 021Library relationships 022Administration of physical plant 023Personnel management 024[Unassigned] 025Library operations 026Libraries for specific subjects 027General libraries 028Reading & use of other information media 029[Unassigned] [024][Unassigned] Most recently used in Edition 18 [029][Unassigned] Most recently used in Edition 18
Third summary The Thousand Sections 530Physics 531Classical mechanics; solid mechanics 532Fluid mechanics; liquid mechanics 533Gas mechanics 534Sound & related vibrations 535Light & infrared & ultraviolet phenomena 536Heat 537Electricity & electronics 538Magnetism 539Modern physics 534 Sound & related vibrations 3 = Physics 5 = Science 4 = Sound
Move to applied sciences Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
Technology (Applied sciences) SUMMARY 601Philosophy and theory 602Miscellany 603Dictionaries, encyclopedias… 604Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology, history… 605Serial publications … See also for technology as a cause of cultural change…
Technology (Applied sciences) SUMMARY 601Philosophy and theory 602Miscellany 603Dictionaries, encyclopedias… 604Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology, history… 605Serial publications … See also for technology as a cause of cultural change…
630Dewey Decimal Classification Agriculture and related technologies SUMMARY Standard subdivisions 631Specific technologies; apparatus….2Agricultural structures.3Tools, machinery, apparatus….4Soil science.5Cultivation and harvesting Standard subdivisions are added for agriculture and related technologies together, for agriculture alone Class here interdisciplinary works on plants of agricultural importance…farming…
630Dewey Decimal Classification630 [.15] Scientific principles Do not use; class in Miscellany and scientific principles.201Tabulated, illustrative, related materials; humorous treatment; audiovisual treatment Tabulated, illustrative, related materials [ ] Square brackets mean "Do not use"
631 Agriculture and related technologies Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials For plant injuries, diseases, pests, see 632; for specific techniques, apparatus, equipment, materials for specific plant crops, see ; … Topics common to plant and animal husbandry or limited to plant culture Class comprehensive works on apparatus, equipment, materials used in a specific auxiliary technique or procedure in , e.g., computers Explanatory material
621 Engineering and allied operations Cutting, disassembling, sawing tools Including axes, crowbars, scissors, shears, slicers, trimmers
631 Agriculture and related technologies 631.4Soil science Class here interdisciplinary works on soils.41Soil chemistry.416Inorganic chemistry.417 Organic chemistry Including humus Class here soil biochemistry.42Soil fertility, acidity, alkalinity What does this mean? 6?6?
Start with our summaries Volume 1 Manual Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index
000Computer science, information & general works 100Philosophy & psychology 200Religion 300Social sciences 400Language 500Science 600Technology 700Arts& recreation 800Literature 900History & geography First summary The Ten Main Classes
631 Agriculture and related technologies 631.4Soil science Class here interdisciplinary works on soils.41Soil chemistry.416Inorganic chemistry.417 Organic chemistry Including humus Class here soil biochemistry.42Soil fertility What does this mean? 6Technology 63?63?
Second summary The Hundred Divisions 600Technology 610Medicine & health 620Engineering 630Agriculture 640Home & family management 650Management & public relations 660Chemical engineering 670Manufacturing 680Manufacture for specific uses 690Building & construction
631 Agriculture and related technologies 631.4Soil science Class here interdisciplinary works on soils.41Soil chemistry.416Inorganic chemistry.417 Organic chemistry Including humus Class here soil biochemistry.42Soil fertility What does this mean? 6Technology 63 Agriculture 631 ?
Third summary The Thousand Sections 630Agriculture & related technologies 631Techniques, equipment & materials 632Plant injuries, diseases, pests 633Field & plantation crops 634Orchards, fruits, & forestry 635Garden crops (Horticulture) 636Animal husbandry 637Processing dairy & related products 638Insect culture 639Hunting, fishing, & conservation
631 Agriculture and related technologies 631.4Soil science Class here interdisciplinary works on soils.41Soil chemistry.416Inorganic chemistry.417 Organic chemistry Including humus Class here soil biochemistry.42Soil fertility Technology 63 Agriculture 631 Techniques, equipment, & materials ? ?
631 Agriculture and related technologies 631.4Soil science Class here interdisciplinary works on soils.41Soil chemistry.416Inorganic chemistry.417 Organic chemistry Including humus Class here soil biochemistry.42Soil fertility Technology 63 Agriculture 631 Techniques, equipment, & materials ? ? Soil science
631 Agriculture and related technologies 631.4Soil science Class here interdisciplinary works on soils.41Soil chemistry.416Inorganic chemistry.417 Organic chemistry Including humus Class here soil biochemistry.42Soil fertility Technology 63 Agriculture 631 Techniques, equipment, & materials Soil science ? Soil chemistry
631 Agriculture and related technologies 631.4Soil science Class here interdisciplinary works on soils.41Soil chemistry.416Inorganic chemistry.417 Organic chemistry Including humus Class here soil biochemistry.42Soil fertility Technology (applied science) 63Agriculture and related technologies 631Specific techniques… materials 631.4Soil science Soil chemistry Organic chemistry Organic chemistry of soils
631 Agriculture and related technologies Plant propagation Class here comprehensive works on plant propagation and nursery practices.531Propagation from seeds (Sowing).532Propagation from bulbs and tubers.533 Propagation from suckers, runners, buds.534Propagation by layering.535 Propagation from cuttings and slips.536Transplanting
Using the Relative Index Volume 1 Manual Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index
Relative Index Persuasion logic168 political science psychology rhetoric808 social process Philosophy & psychology 300Social sciences 800Literature Class numbers (not page numbers)
Relative Index Publicity Publishers biography biography business organizations occupational ethics relations with authors Publishers' catalogs015 Publishing070.5 accounting journalism070.5 law Pubs Previous subject Change to totally new subject Publishing law
Relative Index Punctuation411 specific languagesT4—11 T4 refers to Table 4 –11 are digits to be appended to a number in the schedule
Relative Index MexicansT5—687 2 Mexico972 T2—72 Mexico (Mexico)T2—725 2 Mexico, Gulf of T2— Mexico in the twentieth century
972 General history of North America Middle AmericaMexico SUMMARY –.000 9Standard subdivisions of Middle America.001–.009Standard subdivisions of Mexico.01–.08Historical periods of Mexico Mexico in the twentieth century
Classifying in Dewey - getting started Look up your topic in Relative Index or use the summaries Go to the schedule Check in the hierarchy to make sure the topic is contextually correct Write the number down and follow any additional instructions
An illustrated book of farmhouses Technology 63Agriculture 631Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials 631.2Agricultural structures Farm houses
The scientific principles of crop rotation Technology 63Agriculture 631Specific techniques… 631.5Cultivation and harvesting Special methods Crop rotation How do we add the idea of scientific principles?
Four volumes of DDC 21 Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
Table 1. Standard Subdivisions The following notation is never used alone, but may be used as required with any regular schedule number, e.g., workbooks (—07 in this table) in arithmetic (513): When adding to a number from the schedules, always insert a decimal point between the third and fourth digits of the complete number.
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 SUMMARY —01Philosophy and theory —02Miscellany —03Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances —04Special topics —05Serial publications —06Organizations and management —07Education, research, related topics —08History and description with respect to kinds of persons —09Historical, geographic, persons treatment
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —01Philosophy and theory Class here methodology, schools of thought Class interdisciplinary works on philosophy in 100 —011Systems —012Classification … —014Language and communication … —0148Abbreviations and symbols —015Scientific principles Use of science to analyze and describe the subject… The scientific principles of crop rotation Crop rotation
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —02Miscellany … —020 2Synopses and outlines Including chronologies Class works called synopses and outlines that are regular treatises or introductions to a subject in without use of notation 0202 from Table 1; class interdisciplinary chronologies in —020 7Humorous treatment Crop rotation cartoons Crop rotation 0207 space between numbers just for legibility; don't record in call number
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —(026)Law (Optional number; prefer ) … Do not use the optional number! Use the preferred number.
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —03Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances … —04Special topics Use this subdivision only when it is specifically set forth in the schedules…. Use —04 only when told to do so in the schedules
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —05Serial publications Regardless of form (print or electronic) or frequency Class here house organs, magazines, newspapers, yearbooks… —06Organizations and management Class here Greek-letter societies…student organizations…; history, charters, regulations, membership lists, administrative reports …
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —07Education, research, related topics Including programmed texts Class here subject-oriented study programs… … —072Research; statistical methods Class here laboratory manuals used in research, research techniques not provided for elsewhere in Table 1, comprehensive works on scientific method
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —09Historical, geographic, persons treatment … SUMMARY —090 05Serial publications —090 1–090 5 Historical periods —091Treatment by areas, regions, places in general —092Persons —093–099Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —090 1To 499 A.D. —090 12To 4000 B.C. — – 1000 B.C. — – 1 B.C. — st – 5th centuries, 1– 499 —090 26th – 15th centuries, Class here Middle Ages (Medieval period) — th – 12 centuries, — th century, — th century,
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —092Persons Biography, autobiography, descriptions and critical appraisal of work, diaries, reminiscences, correspondence of persons regardless of area, region, or place who are part of the subject or who study the subject, e.g., biographers, collectors, leaders and followers, practitioners and clients, scholars
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —093–099Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds … Add "Areas" notation 3–9 from Table 2 to base number —09, e.g. the subject in United States —0973, in Brazil —0981, in North America —097. Crop rotation in the United States Crop rotation 0973 United States
Frequently-Used Standard Subdivisions (from Table 1) —01Philosophy and theory —03Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances —05Serial publications —06Organizations and management —07Education, research, related topics —072Research; statistical methods —09Historical, geographic, persons treatment —092Persons —093–099Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
‘ 659 Management and auxiliary services Advertising and public relations Class here publicity.1Advertising.104Special topics of advertising.104 2Social aspects of advertising
Adding specificity - Table 1 Add (concatenate) to any number from schedule Only one standard subdivision allowed Use —04 only when directed to do so Consult table of preference when two or more subdivisions appear applicable Standard Subdivisions
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions (continued) Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g. language and communication in education and research —07 (not —014): Special topics—04 Persons—092 … Education, research, related topics —07 Management—068 … Humorous treatment—0207 …
Adding subdivisions - number of zeros (1) If there is no indication to the contrary, use one zero for the standard subdivision: History of riddles
Adding subdivisions - number of zeros (2) Notation in the number column Footnotes leading to an add table where subdivisions are supplied Footnotes from the add instruction itself stipulating the use of extra zeros Types of instructions to indicate when different number of zeros must be used:
321 Systems of governments and states Systems of governments and states Including heads of state and administration Class here kinds of states ….001–.009Standard subdivisions.01Systems of relating parts of a state to the whole Systems of government journal 321. Systems of govt. 005 Serial publications From Table 1: —05standard subdivision for serial publications
600 Technology (Applied sciences) Philosophy and theory 602Miscellany [.72]Patents Do not use; class in Trademarks and service marks.9Commercial miscellany 603Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances 604Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology… Technology jokes 6 Technology —020 7standard subdivision for humorous treatment 0207 humorous treatment 02.07
502 Natural sciences and mathematics Organizations and management 507Education, research, related topics.2Research; statistical methods.8Use of apparatus and equipment in study and teaching Class here science fair projects, science projects in schools 508Natural history Do not use for history and description of natural sciences and mathematics with respect to groups of persons; class in Class here description and surveys of phenomena in nature
334 Economics Cooperatives.1Housing cooperatives Class here building cooperatives….2Banking and credit cooperatives.22Credit unions.5Consumer cooperatives A directory of housing cooperatives Housing cooperatives —025standard subdivision for directories 025
335 Economics Socialism and related systems Standard subdivisions are added for socialism and related systems together, for socialism alone Class here schools of thought featuring planned economies… ….001–.009Standard subdivisions.02Utopian systems and schools Philosophy and theory of socialism 335 Socialism —01standard subdivision for philosophy and theory.001
618 Medical sciences Medicine Pediatrics and geriatrics.92Pediatrics Medicine for infants and children up to puberty… … – Standard subdivisions As modified under 616.1– History with respect to kinds of persons of persons Dictionary of pediatrics Pediatrics —03standard subdivision for dictionaries 0003
Four volumes of DDC 21 Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
Table 2. Geographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons The following numbers are never used alone, but may be used as required (either directly when so noted or through the interposition of notation 09 from Table 1) with any number from the schedules, e.g. wages (331.29) in Japan (—52 in this table): …
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 SUMMARY —001–009Standard subdivisions —01–05Historical periods —1Areas, regions, places in general… —11Frigid zones —12Temperate zones… … —2Persons —22Collected treatment —3The ancient world —31China
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —4Europe Western Europe —41British Isles —42England and Wales —43Central Europe Germany —44 France and Monaco —45Italian Peninsula and adjacent islands Italy … —5Asia Orient Far East —51China and adjacent areas —52Japan —53Arabian Peninsula …
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —4–9Modern world; extraterrestrial worlds Class comprehensive works on specific jurisdictions, regions, or features extending over more than one country, state, county, or other unit and identified by * with the unit where noted in this table… —4Europe Western Europe
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 SUMMARY —41British Isles —411Scotland —412Northeastern Scotland —413Southeastern Scotland —414Southwestern Scotland —415Ireland —416Ulster Northern Ireland —417Republic of Ireland (Eire) —418Leinster —419Munster —42England and Wales —421Greater London
Adding specificity - Table 2 Add number for geographic area from Table 2 when directed to do so in schedule or Add —09 standard subdivision from Table 1, then for locale from Table 2 Two ways to utilize
Our book: Local taxes in Selby
Where do we find numbers for taxes? Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
336 Economics Local taxes in areas, regions, places in general… – Local taxes in specific continents, countries, states and provinces Add to base number notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., local taxes in Pennsylvania Local taxes in Selby Local taxes in locality Go to Table 2
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —428 4North Yorkshire and York City —428 41Craven District —428 42Harrogate Borough —428 43York City —428 45Selby District —428 46Ryedale District Local taxes in Selby Local taxes (schedule) +Selby (Table 2) Local taxes
796 Recreational and performing arts Automobile racing.7206Organizations, facilities, management Racetracks and speedways Do not use for management; class in Add to base number notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g. Indianapolis Motor Speedway Automobile Racetracks in Loch Lomond Racetracks & speedways Go to Table 2
Looking for Loch Lomond Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
Relative Index Loch Broom (Scotland)T2― Loch Lomond (Scotland)T2—414 2 Loch Ness (Scotland)T2— Loch Ness monster Lochaber (Scotland)T2— Lockouts Automobile Racetracks in Loch Lomond Racetracks & speedways
Four volumes of DDC 21 Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 —414 2Argyll and Bute Class here western part of former Dumbarton District; Campbeltown, Dunoon, Helensburgh, Oban; Loch Lomond Racetracks (schedule) + Loch Lomond (Table 2) Automobile Racetracks in Loch Lomond Racetracks & speedways 4142
796 Recreational and performing arts Automobile rallies.75Motorcycle and motor scooter racing.756Motocross.76Midget car racing (Karting) Motorcycle racing in Loch Lomond Motorcycle racing Go to Table 1
Four volumes of DDC 21 Volume 1 Tables Volume Volume Volume 4 Index Manual
T1 Table 1. Standard Subdivisions T1 —093–099Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds History and description by place, by specific instance of the subject Add to base number —09 notation 3–9 from Table 2… Motorcycle racing in Loch Lomond Motorcycle racing 09 Go to Table 2
T2 Table 2. Areas, Periods, Persons T2 Motorcycle racing (schedule) By locality (Table 1) Motorcycle racing in Loch Lomond Loch Lomond (Table 2) 4142 Motorcycle racing by locality —414 2Argyll and Bute Class here western part of former Dumbarton District; Campbeltown, Dunoon, Helensburgh, Oban; Loch Lomond