Distributed Object System Final Presentation
Agenda Project Goals Solution Strategy System Architecture
Project Goals Develop a distributed system for performing time-consuming calculations. Load Balancing support. Fault Tolerance support. Working with.Net Framework. Learning C# programming language.
Description A distributed system which consists of: WWorker Objects – objects performing any kinds of calculations. ““DosAgent” – a service that runs on every participating computer in the system and hosts worker objects. DDosAgent hosts “running” objects as well as “sleeping” objects. SSleeping objects are objects which are running on some other DosAgent on some other machine. DDosConsole – a GUI application, presents all running objects in system and gives control on running objects.
Description – cont. DosAgent: AA command line application running on all computers in the system. RReceives running objects from all other participating machines every T seconds and stores them as “sleeping” objects. IIf the operation failed the remote service is considered down and a failure treatment is issued. FFailure treatment restarts all “sleeping” objects originating from the dead service, on the least utilized machine in the system.
DosAgent: DosAgent screenshot
Description – cont. DosConsole: GGUI application. EEstablishes connection to a specified machine in the system. PPresents a list of objects “running” and “sleeping” on a specified machine. LLaunches new objects in to the system. KKills running objects in the system.
DosConsole: DosConsole screenshot
Demo Give me your objects, please Here you go Give me your objects, please Moshe Vinny Tarzan Hmm… Vinny is dead. Have to tell everybody. Vinny is dead. Run his objects please.
System Architecture
Architecture DosAgent A.Net server activated, marshaled-by-ref, singleton service object. Hosted in Windows console application. DosConsole Windows Forms based application.
Submitters Alon Cats Yaniv Donenfeld Alon Nozic