IT-Faculty Partnerships for Change Janet de Vry University of Delaware March 22, 2004
Synergy for change Trust of individual faculty members Strategic Alliances Access to support Staffing Instructions Training Consulting Trouble shooting
Building relationships Responsiveness Communication +Learning principles first Trust
Paths to Faculty Support Faculty Departments Units
Paths to Faculty Support Faculty Departments Units
WebCT Use at UD 4 years of steady growth
Consortium Study Main goal: determine whether or not web use changes the way faculty member teaches in the classroom
Conclusions Faculty who are not exposed to pedagogy use technology for "efficiencies" Faculty who understand pedagogy are more apt to use technology for change
How do infuse faculty culture with pedagogical principles? Require consultations Require training Partner with other units on campus Projects
Forming strategic alliances Identify: groups that faculty value groups that have administrative support what IT can bring to the equation propose joint efforts
Partnerships Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education (ITUE) General Education Initiative Task Force on Written and Oral Communications
What is Problem Based Learning? PBL is a learning approach that challenges students to “learn to learn,” working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real world problems
General Education Goals and Grants quantitative reasoning the use of information technology oral and written communication service-based learning
Task Force on Written and Oral Communication Assess current status of written and oral communication skills Recommending strategies for improving these skills Assessing effectiveness of changes
Instructional Grants
Faculty Grant Project Publicity Learning transformation
Faculty Grant Project Publicity Problem- based Learning unit
Faculty Grant Publicity Projects General Education Initiative
Small grant project: individual faculty member Problem: time to share projects Solution: Online books in WebCT presentation tool Saving space and time in a large lecture class.
Larger grant: Psychology— Learning & Motivation Revitalizing the “Keller method,” self mastery of textbook material Hypothesis: computer technology can overcome problems that led to its decline Course Changes On demand (on line tests) Replace lecture with small groups Replace term paper with focused labs Technology—secure testing center
Secure testing center
Faculty profiles
Showcasing Faculty Work: Jan 04 Faculty Institute
Faculty Feedback “I truly enjoyed all the presentations. It was extremely beneficial to see how some of the technology you hear about on campus is actually being used in the classroom.” “I had some wonderful discussions over lunch and got some good ideas, and some, that would actually lead to completely changing the format of my course.”
Moving forward on your campus Identify ways to build faculty trust Identify and approach potential partners on your campus Identify what your unit can do to assist partners Identify strategies for infusing your entire campus with learning principles
Resources PRESENT, UD’s Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, Grant Program UD’s General Education Initiative / Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education at The University of Delaware