Helium-4: The Once and Future Supersolid Michael Ma University of Cincinnati Hong Kong Forum, 2006
Supersolid = Solid with Superfluid Properties Introduction: Solids - Quantum or Otherwise
Supersolid = Solid with Superfluid Properties Introduction: Solids - Quantum or Otherwise Living in the Past This is the Moment Days of Future Passed
Classical Solid Static density
gaussian like harmonic approximation valid 1/2 << a Lindemann’s Rule: Melts when 1/2 ~ 0.14a Particles are localized.
Quantum Solid He4 Shallow potential well light mass large zero point motion
Quantum Solid conventional solid He4
Lindemann’s Rule does not hold ~ 0.3 a, pressure dependent Short-ranged correlations important Deviation of density from gaussian strong anharmonicity Solid caused by steep repulsive core Particle exchange Nosanow
Two-particle exchange not favored due to repulsive core Three and Four particle ring exchange J ex ~ mK, Debye T ~ 25 K
Lindemann’s Rule does not hold ~ 0.3 a, pressure dependent Short-ranged correlations important Deviation of density from gaussian strong anharmonicity Solid caused by steep repulsive core Particle exchange Nosanow
Intriguing possibility: but atoms mobile mobile atoms (bosons) can Bose condense exhibit superfluidity
Bose-Einstein condensation - Non-interacting bosons at low T, n 0 /N ~ O(1) Bose condensation / Off-diagonal long range order - Generalization to interacting bosons by Penrose and Onsager - Further generalization by Yang as ODLRO - Largest eigenvalue of the density matrix ~O(N) - Applicable for non-translational invariant system also Superfluidity - zero resistance flow - irrotational flow - ODLRO sufficient condition for superfluidity
A quantum solid may Bose condense and be a supersolid! Microscopic ring exhange may lead to macroscopic exchange Andreev and Lifshitz - quantum fluctuations may favor finite density of vacancies even at T=0. Vacancies are mobile and can Bose condense. Chester - Jastrow wavefunctions generally have ODLRO, including ones describing solid order. Speculate due to vacancy condensation. Leggett - Supersolid exhibits non-classical rotational inertia. Provided expression for upper bound.
Andreev-Lifshitz Vacancy motion is diffusive at high T due to scattering off phonons Wave-like at low T --> tight binding band Delocalization energy may overcome local activation E Vacancies spontaneously generated Bose condense at low T
Chester Jastrow wavefuntion generically has ODLRO (Reatto) Write and consider as partition function of a classical system at temp T eff Transition from liquid to solid with increasing density solid will have ODLRO postulate due to BC of vacancies.
H H’= H - L v = p/m v’ = p/m - A A = x r Irrotational Flow ~ Meissner Effect Lab frameRotating frame “Meissner effect” => v < r =>moment of inertia I < I 0 Non-classical Rotational Inertia (NCRI) I/I 0 ~ s / I can be measured very accurately from resonant frequency
For 30+years, expt search overwhelmingly negative Meisel. Physica
X-ray data Simmons data fit to c(T) ~ exp -(f/kT) Expt => vacancies activated E v ~ 10 K
Kim and Chan, Science 2004 Detection of NCRI of solid He4 in torsional oscillator
Effect goes away if He4 replaced by He3 Effect significantly reduced if annulus blocked NCRI also observed by Shirahama group at Keio U Kubota group at U of Tokyo Rittner and Reppy (Cornell)
Effect goes away if He4 replaced by He3 Effect significantly reduced if annulus blocked NCRI also observed by Shirahama group at Keio U Kubota group at U of Tokyo Rittner and Reppy (Cornell) NCRI disappears upon annealing Cubic cell
Still No Evidence for Infinite Conductivity Day and Beamish No pressure driven flow v c < m/s Sasaki et al No observed flow without grain boundaries
Kim and Chan Critical velocity ~ single quantum of circulation
He3 dependence
Bulk EquilBm Supersolid? Pro Phase coherence NCRI does not anneal to 0 No difference between bulk and vycor s increases with Xtal quality specific heat anomaly Con no evidence of zero resistance NCRI may anneal to 0 s temp dependence He3 impurities effects geometry dependence tiny entropy, ~10 -6 k B /He4
filling “KE” 1 x MI Commensurate SS Incomm SS Incomm. SS Commensurate vs. Incommensurate Supersolid
Commensurate SS Pro Galli and Reatto (Variational SW) Con Ceperley and Bernu (Ring Exchange) Boninsegni et al (Worm Algorithm) Prokof’ev and Svistunov (“Proof”)
Incommensurate SS If incommensurate => SS (Galli and Reatto) Anderson-Brinkman-Huse T 7 correction to C V => n ~ T 4 Commensurate solid metastable But T 7 can be due to anharmonic effect
local distortion of lattice and density vacancy hopping given by (heavy) polaron mass attraction between vacancies (Troyer)
With finite vacancy density, distortion can be static and uniform vacancies have light mass Bose condensation energy can overcome activation energy First order transition At T=0, n v = 0 in normal solid finite in supersolid Normal-Supersolid transition accompanied by Commensurate-incommensurate transition Change in local density profile Dai Xi, FCZ, MM; HuaiBin Zhuang
Change in Local Density Profile (r) Normal Solid Supersolid
Qualitative Agreement with Penn State Expts
Pressure Dependence of T=0 Superfluid Density
Finite T Superfluid Density Finite T data suggests transiton smeared by disorder specific heat shows no critical behavior Two possibilities for pure system: -second order transition not in X-Y universality class - first order transition Transition is first order in our model
He3 Impurities Expt, with increasing He3 concentration: -T c increases - low T s decreases - NCRI not observeable beyond 0.1% He3 concentration Qualitative agreement: - Impurties weaken solid ordering and favors defects => T c increases - Impurities localize vacancies => reduce s and eventually destroys Bose condensation (dirty bosons)
Future Is it or isn’t it? Smoking gun? If helium is not SS, is there a deeper reason than energetics?
Thank You!