What Do Plants Need? Monday Assess prior student knowledge -Assessment probe and Discuss There are things that plants need to survive. Put an X next to the things you think a plant needs to survive. water fertilizer air sunlight soil warmth plant food from a garden store Explain your thinking. Why do you think plants need these things?
Tuesday Nature Walk – Students will observe plants in nature around the school – Where did plants grow the most?
Wednesday Read A Flower Grows by Ken Robbins – Discuss the needs of the plant depicted in book – Does it have the same needs as the plants observed on the nature walk?
Thursday Students will investigate the needs of plants through research – Do all plants have the same needs? Students will create a poster on the needs of a chosen plant – What are the needs of this plant – Are they the same as the plant in A Flower Grows?
Friday Plant Convention – Students will present their posters to the class – Students will compare their results with the rest of the class Plant poster presentation at back to school night – Students will present their posters and findings to parents at back to school night