Retargetting Motion to New Characters SIGGRAPH ’98 Speaker: Alvin Date: 6 July 2004
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters2 Outline Introduction Framework Result Conclusion Evaluation Form
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters3 Introduction Adapting the motion with identical structure but different segment lengths. Preserve properties of the original motion as many as possible. The solver is spacetime constraints method. The method is off-line.
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters4 Framework 1.Constraint Definition 2.Start Points Modification 3.B-spline Representation 4.Constrainted Optimisation 5.(optional) Start Points Re-modification
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters5 Start Points Modification
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters6 B-spline Representation Use Motion Displacement Maps. Use the solver to find d(t). Cubic B-splines control points are spaced every 2,4, or 8 frames.
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters7 Constrainted Optimisation Objective Function The key computation of this the retargetting approach. The types of the solver: Least-squares solver SQP style solver LMULT solver
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters8 Start Points Re-modification If Constrainted Optimisation does not satisfy, replace M 1 (t) with (M 1 (t) + d(t)) and use a denser set of control points.
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters9 Result
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters10 Conclusion Computing an adaptation as a constrained optimization. Use geometric constraints and a simple objective function.
Alivn/GAME Lab./CSIE/NDHU Retargetting Motion to New Characters11 Evaluation Form 論文簡報部份 完整性介紹 (3) 系統性介紹 (4) 表達能力 (4) 投影片製作 (3) 論文審閱部分 瞭解論文內容 (3) 結果正確性與完整性 (3) 原創性與重要性 (5) 讀後啟發與應用: 這篇論文所使用的方法是使用 MoCap 資料必備的基本常識 ,將動畫資料套用在同樣結構的不同骨架上,對於我們的 研究來說,這是必須實作完成的一項技術。