Systems Analysis & Design Sixth Edition Systems Analysis & Design Sixth Edition Toolkit Part 2
2222 Toolkit Objectives ●Explain CASE tools and the concept of a CASE environment ●Trace the history of CASE tools and their role in a fourth-generation environment ●Define CASE terms and concepts, including a repository, modeling tools, documentation tools, engineering tools, and construction tools
3333 Toolkit Objectives ●Explain an integrated development environment ●Provide examples of CASE tools features ●Describe future trends for CASE tools, including new developments and the emerging role of object-oriented analysis and design
4444 Introduction ●Computer-aided systems engineering (CASE), also called computer-aided software engineering, is a technique that uses powerful software, called CASE tools ●You will learn about integrated software development environments
5555 Overview of CASE Tools ●CASE tools can reduce costs, speed up development, and provide comprehensive documentation that can be used for future maintenance or enhancements ●CASE Environment ●CASE Tools History –As early as the 1960s –Forty years ago – procedural languages
6666 Overview of CASE Tools ●CASE Tools History –Modern languages – non-procedural or event- driven –Object-oriented programming languages (OOPL) –Fourth-generation languages (4GLs) –Fourth-generation environment
7777 Overview of CASE Tools ●The Marketplace for CASE Tools –Includes a wide variety of vendors and products, and no one tool dominates the market –The first step in learning about CASE tools is to understand basic CASE terms and concepts
8888 CASE Terms and Concepts ●A typical CASE tool is actually a set of individual tools that share a repository of information ●Repository –When you define a data element in the repository, you can assign a data type and format, a range of acceptable values, and one or more aliases –Alias
9999 CASE Terms and Concepts ●Individual Tools –Modeling tools –Documentation tools –Engineering tools Forward engineering Reverse engineering
10 CASE Terms and Concepts ●Individual Tools –Construction tools Application generator – code generator Screen generator Report generator – report writer Mock-up report
11 Integrated Development Environments ●Integrated development environment (IDE) ●Examples of Integrated Development Environments –Oracle Designer –Microsoft’s Visual Studio.NET
12 Integrated Development Environments ●Pros and Cons of Integrated Development Tools –Is highly effective because it is an integral part of the vendor’s software package –The only possible disadvantage is that each IDE is different, and requires a learning curve and skills that might or might not be readily transferable –CASE tools can be used in any development environment
13 CASE Tool Examples ●You can choose from dozens of vendors and CASE tools that offer a wide range of functions ●Three leading CASE tool suppliers: Visible Systems Corporation, Popkin Software, and Rational Software
14 CASE Tool Examples ●Visible Analyst –Visible Systems Corporation is an important player in the software development market –Can generate many types of models and diagrams
15 CASE Tool Examples ●System Architect –Popkin states that its product is the first fully integrated modeling tool to unify the enterprise with complete business and systems information management –Offers numerous diagrams and definitions –Also offers extensive tutorials
16 CASE Tool Examples ●Rational Software –IBM’s Rational Software offers a wide range of systems development and modeling products –Rational Software Architect –Rational Edge
17 Future Trends ●Will consist of cross-platform tools that are capable of working with data and business processes both within the enterprise and from outside customers and suppliers ●Will undoubtedly be planned, constructed, and maintained with a new generation of CASE tools
18 Future Trends ●New Features –Framework Manager –Lines between traditional CASE tools and other modeling tools continue to blur –Microsoft Visio –Another trend is represented by Microsoft’s Visual Studio.NET
19 Future Trends ●The Emerging Role of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design –Structured analysis –Systems development life cycle (SDLC) –Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is gaining popularity –Features of an O-O approach include modular design and reusable code that easily can be combined and reassembled into new components
20 Toolkit Summary ●CASE tools are software programs that system developers use to help them design and construct information systems ●A repository is a database that serves as a central storage location for all information about the system being developed ●An integrated set of CASE tools can be used to model, document, engineer, and construct the information system
21 Toolkit Summary ●Forward engineering means translating business processes and functions into applications ●Two trends seem clear: CASE tool vendors will continue to include powerful new features, and the popularity of object-oriented tools will continue to grow ●Toolkit Part 2 complete