1 RPC Support Structure W.L.Wang, J.Y.Fu, W.Y.Song July 05, 2007
2 Support Structure Design 1 、 H-beam support structure 2 、 Truss support structure
3 由 H 型钢组成的支撑结构方案图 装配单元 18 米 x 18 米 支撑结构 轮组
4 Units and sections 二、 Direction orthogonal to the rail : ( Far jall ) Each unit is composed of 2 – 3 sections: 1). 6m + 12m 2). 6m + 6m + 6m 一、 Direction along the rail : ( Far hall ) Composed of 5 – 6 units : 1). Four 4m x 18m units, one 2m x 18m unit 2). Six 3m x 18m units
5 Unit (far hall 18m x 18m) 4m x 18m 单元 2m x 18m 单元 ( far hall ) Support sructure are composed of 5 units : One 2m x 18m unit , Four 4m x 18m units
6 Deformation calculation ( 1 ) 1. Far hall 主梁选用热轧 H 型钢: HM350X250 H-beam Length 18m Weight of Support Structure 36t Weight of RPC 21t Single H-beam deformation calculation (Supported by two ends) : Y = -
7 Y -最大挠度, mm q -均布载荷, q = 0.797N/mm L -主梁长度, L= 18000mm E -弹性模量, E = 206 GPa I -惯性矩, I = Y = - = mm Single H-beam deformation calculation (Supported by two ends) : Y = - = mm 梁与梁在横向没有 连接的情况下,最 大变形 44.25mm 。
8 由 H 型钢组成的支撑结构 变形计算 ( 2 ) 2. Near hall 主梁选用热轧 H 型钢: HM300X200 H beam Length 12m Weigh of Support Structure 20t Weight of RPC 14t 单根主梁自重变形按照两端简支计算: Y = -
9 Y -最大挠度, mm q -均布载荷, q = 0.573N/mm L -主梁长度, L= 12000mm E -弹性模量, E = 206 GPa I -惯性矩, I = Y = - = mm 单根主梁加上 RPC 及其定位、固定装置之后的变形: Y = - = mm 梁与梁在横向没有 连接的情况下,最 大变形 14.06mm 。
10 局部结构 ( 1 ) 边单元 中间单元 连接螺栓 单元与单元两端的连接, 螺栓组:大小与数量由计 算确定。
11 局部结构 ( 2 ) 连接螺栓 中间单元 边单元 单元与单元中部的连接,螺栓 组:大小和数量由计算确定。
12 边单元: 3m x 12m 的子单元 H 型钢主梁 焊接槽钢主梁 H 型钢边梁 焊接槽钢支撑 角钢支撑
13 边单元:连接节点 H 型钢梁 连接板 连接螺栓组
14 中间单元: 3m x 12m 子单元 焊接槽钢主梁 H 型钢主梁 焊接槽钢支撑
15 中间单元的连接 连接节点 ( 两子单元连接处 ) 连接螺栓组 连接板 中部连接处 ( 单元之间的连接处 )
16 局部结构 ( 3 ) H 型钢 普通槽钢 [ 36x9.6 梁间支撑 斜撑
17 局部结构 ( 4 ) 普通槽钢 [ 36x9.6 H 型钢 350X250 轮组
18 Truss Support Structure 在工厂焊接成 3 米 x 6 米的单元,到大亚湾现 场把 3 个焊接单元组装成 3 米 x 18 米的装配单元。
19 近厅 18m x 12m 桁架结构 整体结构由 15 件主梁构成,单元结构与远厅相同。
20 Comparison of the two Structures The H-beam is more simple The truss structure might be light than the H-beam structure But the welding of so many tiny structure is not easy, therefore it is not strong. and the production cost will be higher Normally it is used for the height above 1.5m
21 Conclusions Basically the H-beam structure are fixed. The distance between two adjacent H-beams is ~1m. Right now, the deformation/length = 44mm/18000mm = 1:400 is proper for the design, but consider all the H-beams are joined together, the deformation will be smaller than the single beam calculation, more optimization will be going. Will investigate the production, transportation, assembly and so on.