Yan Chen, Hai Zhou Northwestern Lab for Internet and Security Technology (LIST) Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Northwestern University Automatic Vulnerability Analysis and Intrusion Mitigation Systems for WiMAX Networks Motorola Liaisons Gregory W. Cox, Z. Judy Fu, Philip R. Roberts Motorola Labs
The Spread of Sapphire/Slammer Worms
Outline Threat Landscape and Motivation Our approach Accomplishment Ongoing Work
The Current Threat Landscape and Countermeasures of WiMAX Networks WiMAX: next wireless phenomenon –Predicted multi-billion dollar industry WiMAX faces both Internet attacks and wireless network attacks –E.g., 6 new viruses, including Cabir and Skulls, with 30 variants targeting mobile devices Goal of this project: secure WiMAX networks Big security risks for WiMAX networks –No formal analysis about WiMAX security vulnerabilities –No WiMAX intrusion detection/mitigation product/research
Existing WLAN Security Technology Insufficient for WiMAX Networks Cryptography and authentication cannot prevent attacks from penetrating WiMAX networks –Viruses, worms, DoS attacks, etc IDS development can potentially lead to critical gain in market share –All major WLAN vendors integrated IDS into products Limitations of existing IDSes (including WIDS) –Mostly host-based, and not scalable to high-speed networks –Mostly simple signature based, cannot deal with unknown attacks, polymorphic worms –Mostly ignore dynamics and mobility of wireless networks
Our Approach Adaptive Intrusion Detection and Mitigation for WiMAX Networks (WAIDM) –Focus of the first year Vulnerability analysis of e specs and WiMAX standards –Systematical and automatic searching through formal methods. –First specify the specs and potential capabilities of attackers in a formal language TLA+ (the Temporal Logic of Actions) –Then model check for any possible attacks –The formal analysis can also help guide fixing of the flaws
Deployment of WAIDM Attached to a switch connecting BS as a black box Enable the early detection and mitigation of global scale attacks Could be differentiator for Motorola’s products Original configuration WAIDM deployed Inter net BS User s (a) (b) BS User s Switch/ BS controller Internet scan port WAIDM system BS Users BS Users Switch/ BS controller
Features of WAIDM Scalability (ready for field testing) –Online traffic recording »Reversible sketch for data streaming computation »Record millions of flows (GB traffic) in a few hundred KB »Infer the key characteristics (e.g., source IP) of culprit flows for mitigation –Online sketch-based flow-level anomaly detection »Adaptively learn the traffic pattern changes Accuracy (initial design & evaluation completed) Integrated approach for false positive reduction –Automatic Polymorphic Worm signature generation (Hamsa) –Network element fault Diagnostics with Operational Determinism (ODD)
WAIDM Architecture Reversible sketch monitoring Filtering Sketch based statistical anomaly detection (SSAD) Local sketch records Sent out for aggregation Remote aggregated sketch records Per-flow monitoring Streaming packet data Normal flows Suspicious flows Intrusion or anomaly alarms Keys of suspicious flows Keys of normal flows Data path Control path Modules on the critical path Signature -based detection Polymorphic worm detection (Hamsa) Part I Sketch- based monitoring & detection Part II Per-flow monitoring & detection Modules on the non-critical path Network fault diagnosis (ODD)
Hamsa: First Network-based Zero-day Polymorphic Worm Signature Generation System Fast: in the order of seconds Noise tolerant and attack resilient Detect multiple worms in one protocol
Hamsa Signature Generator Evaluated with real Internet worms and traffic –Three pseudo polymorphic worm based on real exploits (Code-Red II, Apache-Knacker and ATPhttpd). –Two polymorphic engine from Internet (CLET and TAPiON).
Results on Signature Quality Single worm with noise –Suspicious pool size: 100 and 200 samples –Noise ratio: 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% –Noise samples randomly picked from the normal pool –Always get above signature and accuracy Multiple worms with similar results Worms Training FN Training FP Evaluation FN Evaluation FP Binary evaluation FP Signature Code-Red II00000 {'.ida?': 1, '%u780': 1, ' HTTP/1.0\r\n': 1, 'GET /': 1, '%u': 2} CLET00.109% %0.268% {'0\x8b': 1, '\xff\xff\xff': 1,'t\x07\xeb': 1}
Accomplishments Motorola Interactions –The first two components of WAIDM are ready for field test on Motorola WiMAX networks or testbed –Product teams interested to use as differentiator (Networks security service director: Randall Martin) –Close collaboration/interaction with Motorola Labs (Judy Fu, Phil Roberts, Steve Gilbert) Patents being filed through Motorola –Reverse Hashing for High-speed Network Monitoring: Algorithms, Evaluation, and Applications. Students involved –Three Ph.D. students: Yan Gao, Zhichun Li, & Yao Zhao –One M.S. student: Prasad Narayana
Accomplishments on Publications Five conference papers and two journal papers –Towards Deterministic Overlay Diagnosis, to appear in Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2006 (10%). –Reversible Sketches: Enabling Monitoring and Analysis over High- speed Data Streams, to appear in ACM/IEEE Transaction on Networking. –A DoS Resilient Flow-level Intrusion Detection Approach for High-speed Networks, to appear in IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2006 (14%). –Hamsa: Fast Signature Generation for Zero-day Polymorphic Worms with Provable Attack Resilience, to appear in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2006 (9%). –Reverse Hashing for High-speed Network Monitoring: Algorithms, Evaluation, and Applications, Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, 2006 (18%). –IDGraphs: Intrusion Detection and Analysis Using Stream Compositing, to appear in IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, special issue on Visualization for Cyber Security, »An earlier version also in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (VizSEC), 2005
Ongoing Work Vulnerability Analysis Through Formal Methods (poster presentation this afternoon) –Many control messages are not (or cannot be) authenticated or encrypted –Use formal verification methods to automatically search for vulnerabilities in specs –Completeness and correctness Semantics Aided Signature Generation for Zero- day Polymorphic Worms –Some stealthy worms may not have any content invariant –Incorporate semantic information for more accurate detection
Vulnerability Analysis Through Formal Methods TLA: a logic designed for specifying and reasoning about concurrent systems. –TLA+: a complete spec language based on TLA First translate the natural language spec into a TLA+ spec, sys, and formulate security as prop Normal security as sys → prop can be checked automatically by model checker TLC A generic attacker will be specified as Attk Vulnerability can be discovered by checking Attk sys → prop, also automatically by TLC
Case Studies First step, verify the initial ranging stages –Specify the protocol in 19-page TLA+ language –Assume certain capabilities of attackers »Eavesdrop and store messages »Corrupt messages on the channel by causing collisions »Replay old / Inject spoofed messages –Prove that ranging protocol is in general secure except one DoS attack DL Subframe Contention-based Initial Ranging slots UL Subframe Attacker fills all slots, making its requests collide with requests from other SS, thereby denying all new SS a chance to complete ranging
Case Studies (II) Verify the authentication protocol –No real attacks found Future work –Consider other attack capabilities –Verify other protocols of
Conclusions Adaptive Intrusion Detection and Mitigation for WiMAX Networks (WAIDM) Vulnerability analysis of e specs and WiMAX standards Thank You !
Formal Vulnerability Analysis Research Challenges Use abstraction to model infinite state system in finite states for model checking (state explosion) –Random nonces -> constant –Different processing orders Model generic attackers with appropriate capabilities –Need to be general and realistic