Take the opportunity to become a marketing brand manager in a unique international marketing competition… Imagine a new concept and product line for an existing L’Oréal brand.
Since its creation in 1993, more than 43,000 students have taken part in this exciting marketing competition, revamping international L’Oréal brands figures: - Over 7,100 students universities - 43 countries
2010 Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Portugal Developing the first beauty product range for DIESEL
2009 Symbiosis Centre of Management & HRD, India Creating the first fragrance for MAYBELLINE NEW YORK
Creating a new Capital Soleil product range for the year olds Brigham Young University USA
2007 National University of Singapore, Singapore Developing an international marketing strategy for Redken for Men
2006 Science-Po, France Korea University, South Korea Developing an international marketing strategy for Lancôme Bodycare
2005 Universität St. Gallen, Switzerland Developing an international marketing strategy for StudioLine
2004 York University’s Schulich School of Business (Canada) Developing an international marketing strategy for Biotherm Homme
Turn theory into practice Develop an original concept in coherence with the brand values Design a new range of products Create a unique communication campaign Present in front of a L’Oréal Jury Compete against the rest of the world
Undergraduate students with an interest in marketing enrolled in their final 2 years of school.
Get the real life experience of being a brand manager Sell your ideas to top L’Oréal executives Interact with people from different backgrounds and walks of life Work with a communication agency Be the winning team and come to Paris for the International Finals
Best Communication Campaign Prize The best communication campaign will be awarded by an important figure from the world of advertising 1st prize Your team wins a trip worth € 10,000 and the L’Oréal Brandstorm CUP for your University. 2nd prize Your team wins a trip worth € 5,000 3rd prize Your team wins a trip worth € 2,500 ■ ■
Registration online in a team of 3 students Work as a brand manager on the case study National Finals International Finals in Paris FROM LOCAL TO GLOBAL
Campus presentation: Registration deadline on the website: Pre case study presentation: Work on the Case Study: Work with the communication agency: International Finals: National Finals: 16th January rd March 2011 March – May th May 2011 June 2011 Schedule