Fundamentals of Power Electronics 1 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Example: Full-bridge parallel resonant inverter 1. Construct steady-state plus small-signal phasor model
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 2 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Example: Full-bridge parallel resonant inverter 2. Steady-state solution
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 3 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Example: Full-bridge parallel resonant inverter 3. Small-signal perturbation in output phasor
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 4 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Example: Full-bridge parallel resonant inverter 3. Small-signal perturbation in output phasor
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 5 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 6 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 7 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 8 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 9 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Simulation using SPICE
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 10 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion SPICE inductor model
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 11 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion SPICE models
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 12 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion SPICE models
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 13 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Example: Full-bridge parallel resonant inverter SPICE-compatible model
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 14 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope in SPICE
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 15 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope in SPICE
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 16 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope in SPICE
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 17 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope in SPICE
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 18 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion Recovering the actual output envelope in SPICE
parallel resonant inverter *PARAMETERS AND NODESETS *main circuit parameters.param L=627u.param Cp=7.9n.param Vg = 150.param R=400.param fs=86k.param ws=540k;.param Vin = 191 *steady-state switching frequency.nodeset v(w)=540k *voltages and currents.nodeset i(L_re)= nodeset i(L_im)= nodeset v(out_re)= nodeset v(out_im)= nodeset v(outi)= nodeset v(outv)=199.5.nodeset v(in_im)=0.nodeset v(in_re)=191.nodeset v(xl_im)=0.nodeset v(xl_re)=191.nodeset v(in_rex)=191.nodeset v(out_imdum)=0.nodeset v(out_redum)=0 *CIRCUIT CONSTRUCTION *real part V_re in_rex 0 dc 191 ac 0 V_rex in_re in_rex sin( ) ac 0 L_re in_re xl_re {L} EXL_re xl_re out_re value {- v(w)*{L}*i(EXL_im)} Cp_re out_re 0 {Cp} Gcp_re out_re 0 value {- v(w)*{Cp}*v(out_im)} Rp_re out_re 0 10g *add dummy voltage to measure current vdum_re out_re out_redum 0 R_re out_redum 0 {R} *imaginary part V_im in_im 0 dc 0 ac 0 L_im in_im xl_im {L} EXL_im xl_im out_im value {v(w)*{L}*i(EXL_re)} Cp_im out_im 0 {Cp} Gcp_im out_im 0 value {v(w)*{Cp}*v(out_re)} Rp_im out_im 0 10g *add dummy voltage to measure current vdum_im out_im out_imdum 0 R_im out_imdum 0 {R} *frequency perturbation vw w 0 {ws} ac 1 Rph w 0 1meg *EXTRACT ENVELOPE Evout outv 0 value {sqrt(v(out_re)*v(out_re)+v(out_im)*v(out_im))} Rvout outv Eiout outi 0 value {sqrt(i(vdum_re)*i(vdum_re)+i(vdum_im)*i(vdum_im))} Riout outi *analysis dec k *.tran 1n 500u 0 0.1u.probe.END
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 20 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion G env,ws (s) from SPICE
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 21 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion G env,ws (s) from MATLAB
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 22 Chapter 19: Resonant Conversion G env,ws (s) from MATLAB