Oregon Department of Education Sustaining K-3 Literacy Momentum Forum Salem, Oregon September 28, 2007
Welcome / Logistics/ Overview of Agenda Joni Gilles
Update on Sustainability Initiatives in the State of Oregon
RMC Sustainability Tool and Training Stan Paine
Reading First Sustainability Project A project of U.S. Department of Education National Reading First Office Completed under contract to: RMC Research Corporation
Purpose Provide a “resource–rich” structure (forms, process) and systems level support for sustainability planning Provide background information and other resources to support the process and to learn more about sustainability
Delivery Format Web site URL to be announced upon release (Oct.) Search for “Reading First Sustainability” Downloadable & printable documents
Main Components Sustainability Self–assessments –State level –District level –School level –Classroom level Sustainability Planning process: PET–S –Planning & Evaluation Tool for Sustainability
Main Components ––continued Resources for planning –Planning tools (other funding; coach support) –Sample sustainability plans Background information –Sustainability briefs Culture and leadership briefs out this fall 2–3 more topical briefs due out each year –Sustainability literature review –Annotated bibliography
Main Components ––continued Regional workshops on sustainability planning (complete school/district teams) State level sustainability planning meetings (cross–departmental) –Reading First, special education, curriculum and instruction, federal programs, other... –Oregon Department of Education––Sept. 27
For more information Today’s meeting Oregon RF office Oregon Reading First Center (U of O) Reading First Sustainability Project –Web site launch due late October
Early Reading Team Training Series Trish Travers
Teaming for Success: G oing from A LL t o E ACH Oregon Reading First ERT Training Series
Dimensions of A Healthy System Districts Schools Grades Classrooms Groups
Oregon Reading First ERT Training Series Optional training series offered Winter 2007-Spring Reading First Schools Participating Content: –Systems-level problem solving –Systems level and individual growth and goal setting –RTI in a Three-tiered model (Tigard-Tualatin Series) –District and School Literacy planning (Sustainability) PD mechanism –Statewide, Regional, school-based
Comparison Between CTAG and RF Schools Russ Sweet
K-3 Literacy Framework Carrie Thomas Beck
Outline for Oregon’s K-3 Literacy Framework 1.A schoolwide priority on K-3 reading goals is established. 2.Reliable and valid reading assessments are used to inform instructional practices. 3.Reading instructional time is protected and sufficient for all students to meet reading goals. 4.Instructional programs and materials are based on research and linked to reading goals.
Outline for Oregon’s K-3 Literacy Framework 5. Differentiated instruction is an integral part of the schoolwide reading plan and is used to help all students meet reading goals. 6.Leadership prioritizes attainment of reading goals for all students. 7.High quality professional development must be linked to the school’s reading goals and program. 8.Schoolwide commitment to meeting reading goals.
A 3 X 6 Matrix Implementation of the Schoolwide Model District Support for Implementation of Schoolwide Model State-Level Initiatives to Support Districts/Schools in Implementation of the Schoolwide Model
RTI Initiatives Trish Travers
Effective Behavioral and Instructional Support: School-wide Systems for Each and All Academic Support Behavior Support
EBISS District Support Timeline Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Cohort I 21 Districts 3 ECE programs Training of trainers PBS implementation RTI for Reading Evaluate data – Integrate PBS/RTI models Maintenance Cohort II 22* Districts 3* ECE programs No activityTraining of trainers PBS implementation RTI for Reading Evaluate data – Integrate PBS/RTI models
Framework for School-Level Literacy Plans/ Upcoming Webinars Carrie Thomas Beck
Framework for School-Level Literacy Plans Part 1: Introduction Provides an overview of key components of literacy plan. Part 2: Details Provides details on how school will apply the key components identified in the Introduction.
Introduction The introduction states school’s commitment to reading instruction K-3 and the role of the schoolwide beginning reading model. Why is early reading instruction and achievement important to the school? What are the reading goals at the school? How will the components of the schoolwide reading model help meet the reading goals? How will the school use the literacy plan?
Upcoming Webinars on School-Level Literacy Plans/Sustainability Who? Non-ERT schools building level teams What? √ Specifics on drafting a complete school-level literacy plan - introduction and details section. √ Ideas and examples from ERT schools. √ Opportunity to collaborate with other school teams participating in the webinar. * Please have schools rsvp to the Oregon Reading First Center by November 1st if they plan to participate in the webinars. Participation is voluntary.
Upcoming Webinars on School-Level Literacy Plans/Sustainability Part 1: November 15, :00 to 3:00 p.m. Introduction, Goals, Assessment Part 2: February 14, :00 to 3:00 p.m. Instruction (time, materials, differentiation) Leadership Part 3: April 17, :00 to 3:00 p.m. Professional Development, Commitment
Examples of Literacy Plan Introductions ERT Schools
Expectations for District Leaders Checklist Overview Pat Nash
Element I: Goals, Objectives and Priorities Element II: Assessment Small Group Discussion: 15 minutes Large Group Share-Out: 25 minutes
Element III: Instruction Small Group Discussion: 15 minutes Large Group Share-Out: 25 minutes
Element IV: Leadership Small Group Discussion: 20 minutes Large Group Share-Out: 20 minutes
Element V: Professional Development Small Group Discussion: 20 minutes Large Group Share-Out: 20 minutes
Element VI: Commitment Small Group Discussion: 15 minutes Large Group Share-Out: 20 minutes
Wrap Up/Next Steps Joni Gilles