-101 MACOORA Annual Meeting October 22-23, 2008 Dartmouth, Massachusetts Presenters: Scott Glenn & Josh Kohut
Proto NEOS – 1999 Solomons, MD Workshop Classic NEOS – NEOS Revival – 2003 Maryland & New Hampshire Workshops Response to Ocean.US & NOAA requests MARA Successful Proposal – Mid-Atlantic Regional Association MACOORA Renamed RA open for business. MACOORA History: The North East Observing System (NEOS)
Long-term Real-Time Coastal Ocean Observation Networks Rationale 1) Safe and efficient navigation and marine operations 2) Efficient oil and hazardous material spill trajectory prediction and clean up. 3) Monitoring, predicting and mitigating coastal hazards 4) Military operations 5) Search And Rescue 6) Prediction of harmful algal blooms, hypoxic conditions, and other ecosystem or water quality phenomena 7) Scientific research Challenges and Promise of Designing and Implementing an Ocean Observing System for U.S. Coastal Waters Solomons, Maryland
East Coast Observatories Circa 2000 WFS The Challenge - Form this growing list into a linked federation of pre-operational observatories PORTS NJSOS MVO GOMOOS FRONTS LEO CBOS SABSOON sustained and integrated maintained by NOPP-style partnerships
Ocean.US Poster Request Developed from March 2003 Maryland Workshop Numerous Existing Sub-Regional Observatories NEOS 2003
Mid-Atlantic Regional Association (MARA) – August 2004
Next Steps: How do we Succeed as a Regional Association? Carolyn Thoroughgood University of Delaware MACOORA 2005 Annual Meeting
The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association includes: Chesapeake Bay Delaware Bay New York Bight & Harbor Long Island Sound, and Massachusetts and Rhode Island Bays and Shelf
Regional Assumptions (2005) MACOORA will oversee evolution and operation of regional observing system - MARCOOS Operational 24/7 Federal and regional support will be handled through RA User engagement essential for sustainability
Funding the Existing Capacity in the Mid-Atlantic PORTS (5 x $200 K) $1 M NDBC (New Buoys, Amb, Ches) $1 M WFO’s (5 x $200 K) $1 M Southern New England Subregion $2 M Long Island Sound Subregion $2 M NY Bight & Harbor Subregion $2 M Delaware Bay Subregion $2 M Chesapeake Bay Subregion $2 M Mid-Atlantic Region Obs $4 M Data Management $1 M Education & Outreach $1 M Economic Impact $1 M Total $20 M
FY2007 Regional Integrated Ocean Observing System Development Letters of Intent (LOIs) due January 31, Top LOIs were recommend to go forward. Full Proposals due April 17, “NOAA views this announcement as an opportunity to demonstrate the regional observing system concept.” Three Focus Areas 1.Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (RCOOS) development $500,000 to $2,000,000 per year for up to 3 years. On March 28, 2007, years 2 & 3 were increased to $3,500,000 per year. 2.IOOS application and product development for regional stakeholders. $100,000 to $500,000 per year for up to 3 years. 3.Data management and communication by local data network nodes. $100,000 to $300,000 per year for up to 3 years. U.S. IOOS Regional Associations
FY2007 Regional Integrated Ocean Observing System Development Regional Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (RCOOS) development guidance: Demonstrate the approach and benefits of integration at the scale of the Regional Association. Implement an end-to-end RCOOS that addresses regional needs. Further the development of RCOOSs through integration and operation of regional observing system assets. Any existing or proposed assets would be deployed and managed as part of a regional deployment design. Proposals should address the following: (a) regional deployment, operation and maintenance of sensors and platforms; (b) regional integration of data streams, quality assurance procedures, and data delivery; and (c) generation of regional products, including data products and model output, that facilitates the development of value added products for identified users. Stanley 16-Pound Hickory Handle Sledge Hammer