Professional Education Group New EBLIDA Working Group (2004) A proposal of the Portuguese delegation Meetings: 15 October March October January 2006
Monitoring... Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications Towards a European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning The European Higher Education Area / Bologna process
Monitoring... The Archives perspective on Professional Education i2010: Digital libraries Certidoc
PEG 15 October 2004 EU Directive on Qualifications: Report the timetable (as known) for its progress and that nothing further can happen until the Directive is in force. A statement is to be issued that EBLIDA is representing the profession and will be exploring the issue to set up a European platform under Article 15. Working Group will investigate and articulate the issues around setting up a platform to present to Council in May Need to clarify various interests.
PEG 15 October 2004 Certidoc –Members of the Working Group explore the documentation to ask questions of the project - constructive criticism - on behalf of members. –Do not recommend EBLIDA to join the Consortium being established after closure of the project. Euclid : Welcome the approach to collaborate and will be willing to work together on appropriate issues in future. General: to invite an Archivist to join PEG
PEG 11 March 2005 u Directive on the Recognition of Prof. Qualifications should be monitored to identify any trends to include non-regulatory professionals u Monitor the Bologna Process to identify when to formally introduce EBLIDA u Potential for co-operation with Euclid u Discussion around whether or not Certification Importance of linking Certification and Accreditation at the European level
PEG 14 October 2005 u A platform for professional education for Librarians and Archivists: proposal to the EBLIDA Ex. Comm. u Bologna process: continuing contact with EUCLID and attending the EUCLID meetings u Need of further education for professionals working with digitation u Lifelong learning from level 4