William Shakespeare Shakespeare is one of the most memorable play writers in the world. He was born in Stratford but became famous in London. He died in Stratford, where his grave still lies.
Shakespeare's birth Shakespeare was born in 1564 on Saint Georges day. The plague was around in Stratford so he was lucky not to have caught it. Shakespeare’s mother was Mary Arden. He died on his birthday in 1616.
Financial problems When William was 14, his father was having money problems. He was forced to give up his seat on the council. He never had to give up his house on Henley street or his friends respect but he never attended church for he was afraid of being arrested for the money he owed. Unfortunately he was unable to send William to Oxford or Cambridge university or any sort of college but that proved not to be a problem for Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s family Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. They had a duaghter,Susanna and twins, Hamnet and Judith
Shakespeare’s plays Shakespeare wrote dozens of plays and all still shown at the theatre now. Some of his most remembered plays are….. Midsummer nights dream, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, As you like it, a winters tale.
Death Shakespeare died on is birthday in 1616 when he was 52. He was buried in Holy Trinity church, in Stratford. Anne Hathaway his beloved wife died in 1623 and was buried next to her husband. By HJG