Welcome Class of 2015
Introductions Mr. Paltrineri- PrincipalMr. Paltrineri- Principal Mr. Girton-Mr. Girton- Guidance Counselor Guidance Counselor SHS Counselors Mrs. Davis-12 th grade Mr. Kiger- 11 th grade Mrs. Wagner-10 th grade
HIGH SCHOOL SUCCESS Understand what is required Make good choices Be Responsible
Choosing your classes for 9 th grade What is required? English Math Science Social Studies Physical Education/Health 1 career pathway 1elective or a foreign language
Career Pathways Animal Science Plant Science Ag. Power and Tech systems Structures ROTC- Aerospace Leadership BusinessHuman Services Marching and Symphonic Band Visual Arts Professional Academic
Animal Science This course of study focuses on the animal science industry as it relates to farm animals. These courses are composed of both classroom and hands-on laboratory exercises. Possible career interests include: Animal Scientist; Breeder; Veterinarian or Vet. Tech; Agriscience; Teacher; Geneticist; Zoologist; or Farm Manager.
Ag. Power and Tech Systems The focus of this pathway is on power mechanics and machinery repair. Courses provide both a theoretical framework and a practical hands-on shop experience. Possible career interests include: Power Equipment Technician; Welder; Fabricator; Agriculture Equipment Sales; Equipment Business Owner; or Diesel Technician.
Plant Science –Through classroom and greenhouse exercises, students will explore the relationship between plants and soil for the production of crops, products and related industries, landscaping, turf management and floriculture. Possible career interests include: Florist; Nursery or Greenhouse Operator; Landscape Maintenance & Design; Soil Scientist; Entomologist; or Forest Management.
Structures Classroom and shop lessons introduce students to the field of building construction starting with plans and site evaluation through structural construction that includes plumbing, wiring, masonry, heating and air-conditioning. Possible career interests include: Carpentry; Masonry; Electrician; Plumbing; HVAC Technician; Business Owner; or Architect.
ROTC- Aerospace Leadership The mission of this program is to develop informed citizens for the aerospace age. Courses provide an introduction to the historical, scientific and technical aspects of aerospace. The leadership aspect provides experiences to develop discipline, responsibility, communication skills, and citizenship. Possible career opportunities include: Government; Aerospace & Aviation Industries; Business Management; Outdoor Recreation; Law Enforcement; or Military Service.
Business- Administrative services Students learn to utilize five major programs (Word, Access, Excel, Publisher & Powerpoint) which are essential skills for today’s college students and those entering the workforce. Possible career interests include: Network Systems; Insurance; Entrepreneurship; Real Estate; Teachers; Hotel Management; Computer Engineering/Programming; Marketing; Advertising; or Public Relations.
Business Information Technology This course sequence provides training on the fundamental aspects of web and database development. Possible career interests include: Network Systems; Insurance; Entrepreneurship; Real Estate; Teachers; Hotel Management; Computer Engineering/Programming; Marketing; Advertising; or Public Relations.
Business - Finance These courses are based on the fundamental principles of accounting and provide students with the skills necessary to manage and understand personal finances and/or pursue a business major in college. Possible career interests include: Accounting; Insurance; Government; Banking; Stock Market; Entrepreneurship; Real Estate; Auditing; Investments; IRS; Forensics; Appraisals; Financial Planning; or Business Ownership
Visual and Performing Arts Students will develop and enhance their skills in the visual and/or performing arts. This pathway can be comprised of courses in Art, Music and/or Theatre. Possible career opportunities include: Actor/Actress; Artist; Musician; Teaching; Cartoonist; Computer Graphics; Fashion Design; Photographer; or Director.
Professional Academic This pathway allows students to design their own course of study based on their interests. Students must enroll in three credits in AP, Honors or CP courses above the requirements for graduation. This pathway is good for students who are interested in enrolling in college, but may have interests other than those addressed by other pathways.
Human Services – Human Services Courses are designed to provide students with the pre-professional knowledge and skills needed to enter careers in health care, human services, and social service agencies that serve individuals and families. Possible career interests include: Recreation; Home Heath Services; Rehabilitation Services; Geriatrics; Counseling; Social Work; Human Services Administration; or Health Care.
Human Services – Exploring Childhood Courses are designed to provide students with the pre-professional knowledge and skills needed to enter careers in early care and education, education, psychology, and professions that involve working with children. Possible career interests include: Child Care Provider; Teaching; Pediatrics; Children’s Program Development; and Psychologist.
Make Good Choices Number your choices
Be Responsible Print your name clearly Select 5 courses from pathways and electives Order your selections Parent Signature Return to your Homebase teacher by January 23rd