PowerJobs Website
Company name: Softwear Suit, Ltd. Students: Shiri Semo Tomer Mansur Technical advisor: Itzik Katzav Academic advisor: Dr. Goldberg Mayer
Our Solution Provides all information transfer needs between candidates and man power companies. Makes the process of adding a candidate to a candidate pool efficient.
Problem Domain
System Architecture
Two main modules: DM – the candidates' module - The web application will be written using ASP.NET technologies. - The DM will access the DMDB using SQL queries. PM – the companies’ module - The PM will be written in C#. - The PM will access the PMDB using SQL queries. - The PM will access the DMDB using web services.
Functional Requirements DM – Candidates’ module Creating a candidate card Logging in to an existing card Performing a candidate card update Viewing published positions Performing a position search Managing a position cart Applying for a position
Functional Requirements PM – Companies’ module: Publishing a position Modifying published positions Removing a published position Synchronizing modules
Functional Requirements Administrative: Adding new company
Non-Functional Requirements Response Time The user should receive a response within no more than 3 seconds, for the following actions: Creating a new candidate card. Performing a candidate card update. Logging in to an existing card. Performing a position search. Operations performed on shopping cart.
Non-Functional Requirements Safety & Security Candidate details will be transferred over the internet encrypted. Candidate’s password should be stored encrypted. Validating the identity of the synchronization initiator will be required.
Use Cases
Use-cases Creating a candidate card
Use-cases Logging in to an existing card
Use-cases Performing a candidate card update
Use-cases Performing a position search
Use-cases Adding a position to a position cart
Use-cases Viewing the content of a position cart
Use-cases Removing a position from a position cart
Use-cases Applying for a position
Use-cases Publishing a position
Use-cases Publishing a position immediately
Use-cases Removing a published position immediately
Use-cases Synchronizing modules – Candidates
Use-cases Synchronizing modules – Positions
Use-cases Adding a new company
Risks Supporting a large number of candidates accessing the DM simultaneously.