Student Mental Health at Carnegie Mellon Student Mental Health at Carnegie Mellon Cynthia Valley, Ph.D., Director Counseling and Psychological Services
Welcome to your first year at CMU…what can you expect? Cognitive and moral development Cognitive and moral development Separation and individuation Separation and individuation Issues of identity Issues of identity
Why do students come to CAPS? Life events Chronic discomfort Personal growth Confusion, vague sense of unease Two stories: Sageeta Jason
What other issues do students bring to CAPS? Unusual thoughts Sexual concerns Loneliness Procrastination Self-mutilation Disordered eating
CAPS Statistics students 777 students 543 undergraduates 543 undergraduates 234 graduate students 234 graduate students 117 international students 117 international students
Presenting Problems Anxiety: 560 Anxiety: 560 Depression:447 Depression:447 Social isolation:170 Social isolation:170 Drugs and/or alcohol: 99 Drugs and/or alcohol: 99 Suicidal ideation: 125 Suicidal ideation: 125
What is it like to come to CAPS? Making an appointment Location Checking in First session Confidentiality Professional staff
How can I help a friend or roommate who I’m concerned about? Know the following: When to listen When to listen When to consult When to consult When to refer When to refer When to escort When to escort
CMU’s Network of Support Residence Life staff….housefellows, CA’s, RA’s Residence Life staff….housefellows, CA’s, RA’s Advisors Advisors Dean of Student Affairs Dean of Student Affairs Health Center Health Center CAPS….24/7 CAPS….24/7