…And now presenting an EPIP Presentation A Lived Reality Production Starring Angelica Maule
The reason I am the way I am today is because… Of these two young boys…Emerson and Holden
I was a nanny for Emerson and Holden for 2 ½ years… They were my life…
But I wasn’t just a nanny… I was a chef, a friend, a maid, a personal driver and a mother... But the most important role I played was a teacher… They taught me how important it is to be nurturing and supportive of all of their dreams… No matter how silly they were…
By allowing them to play and use their imagination… they were able to find out what their strengths were. Holden is taking guitar lessons… And Emerson is in an art class…
While I was very close with both boys, Holden was my baby!!! I Love him!!!
I started watching Holden when he was only 6 months old…
Being a nanny made me realize… I love kids I enjoy watching how influential I can be I want to have a family of my own one day But most of all I found out… I WANT TO BE A TEACHER!!!
When I found out that I was no longer going to nanny for the boys, it was a sad and upsetting day… Needless to say, Holden wasn’t happy about it either… I still talk to the boys and sit for them whenever I can In fact, we are all having a sleep over soon and the boys just cannot wait…
No seriously, they can’t wait!
Supporting Art & Music Phenomenon of Interest
Interview with a 1 st grader… Emerson Beinhauer Naperville, Il Age: 7 years old Welch Elementary
What subjects are included in “core academics”? Core academic subjects include: English, reading, math, science… Foreign language, civics, government… Economics, ART, history, geography… And LANUAGE ARTS!!!
Facts about TAX CUTS Elementary education was under funded by at least $12 billion in Total Operating Funding for was $16.4 billion… Since the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND Act has been passed, the short fall financially for schools is almost $40 billion
ISN’T IT IRONIC? Educational advisors and the teaching Union are pushing for higher standardized tests scores and more focus on “core academics”…Right? How do they expect to improve those areas when they are taking away the money to do so?????
How does music benefit a child’s intellectual development? During music, all four cortex lobes and cerebellum are activated. Music also helps with skilled movements and hand eye coordination.
All Four Cortex Lobes Frontal- thinking/ planning/motor skills Occipital- visual perception Temporal- understanding language Parietal- Somatosensory area
Cerebellum This helps with sensory perception and motor output. Playing the piano and climbing a tree would be areas where this would help a child’s skills.
How does art improve intellectual development? Self discipline Diligence Self expression Gratification
How do art and music help a child academically? Pianists have better skilled movement Abstract reasoning skills for math and science Advanced skill building techniques A child is more likely to be involved with school activities if exposed to art and music at a young age. Tone, rhythm, style etc. Helps Multitasks National Assoc. For Musical Education
How do art and music affect a child later in life? Sharpens competitive and performance skills Communication Creativity *Helps decrease depression, anxiety and loneliness Kids involved are less likely to abuse alcohol, tobacco and drugs Stress reliever, gives sense of worth, helps with extra curricular activities and… Makes a well rounded student! Scholastic Inc.
Why is this important??? Intellectual Development Academic Success Improves Quality of Life This will affect you This will affect the way our country is run And this will affect your children!
References Cerebellum.(2005). Feb.20, 2007 Wikepedia Encyclopedia. cerebellum. Kids Involved with Music. Meet the Masters. Feb. 20, 2007, Houston Chronical.. Music Education: Facts and Figures. National Association for Music Education.. Keyword: Art and music. Support the Art. Scholastic Inc Scholastic Inc..
As teachers, we can make a difference! Thank you for your time Have a great day!