EA Studio Family Bay Area: EARS & Maxis Southern California: EALA Chicago: EA Chicago Orlando: EA Tiburon Vancouver: EA Canada Montreal: EA Montreal London: EA UK
Concept Artists 2D portfolio is critical. Effective storyboards that convey the action and cameras for a scene. Ideally would show concept art before and after use eg: drawing – model sheets – models. A wide variety of subject matters and styles is important. Display that you know how to do model sheets. Show lighting experience and the ability to communicate that visually. It may be beneficial to show some experience with textures (smaller sizes, etc).
Animation Include animations that demonstrates weight, good timing and fluid, overlapping motion. Try to convey emotion with your character’s movements. Include a human walk cycle and run. If possible, include samples of traditional animation, which will display your knowledge of animation fundamentals.
Character Modeler Experience with skeleton creation. (Shown in wire frame on model demonstrating joint placement) Also include facial models and rigs. Experience with models that match production sketches. Models should be properly weighted and proportioned. Include samples of figure drawing, maquettes or sculptures. Show an understanding of more than just low poly modelling – hi res, spline, etc Turnarounds: 360 views of models. Please include wire frame models on a turntable being sure to include the software used and polygon count in the attached reel breakdown.
Environment Artist/World Builder Reels should show diversity and flexibility. Try to include both realistic and fanciful worlds and objects. Show a textured and an un-textured version of the same model in a well-lit environment. If possible show a pencil sketch and a 3D model built from the sketch. Turnarounds: 360 views of models. Original models are best – its far easier to copy an existing model than to create your own.
Texture Artists Include samples of drawings and paintings, which display an understanding of value and color. Display a familiarity with Adobe Photoshop, Painter and/or other 2 and 3D painting tools. Show samples of work from photographic reference. Try to include samples of seamless, tiles textures.
Portfolio Submissions: What we want to see You may use VHS reels, CDs, DVD’s or web sites to convey your skill, the contents should be easily accessible - Adobe® PhotoShop® or JPEG files for textures and other images, Microsoft® Word documents for resumes, etc. If films or videos are included, please be sure to encode it in a self-executable file or include a shareware / freeware copy of any programs required to open your files. Portfolios will not be returned. Please be sure not to include original artwork. As with the demo reel, it should include a good cross-section of your skills and abilities, however please ensure that you do not send any more than 15 pieces of Artwork in total.
An internship with EA Summer Fall Spring
Where Do I Sign Up? The best way to apply for a full time position or internship is to use EA's online recruiting system, EA Recruiter Register with EA Recruiter and establish a search agent that will automatically notify you when matching positions become available Potential interns must be currently enrolled in school and have completed their Junior year.
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