European access to private missions ✓ Question: How to access data from (private) multi- lateral space missions through an FP7 TNA? ✓ What are the missions we may be talking about? ✓ AGILE, SWIFT ✓ Spectrum X-gamma (eROSITA) ✓ ASTROSAT ✓ ASTRO-H ✓ NUSTAR ✓ SVOM ✓ SIMBOL-X - may become more like an observatory ✓ Note: The timeframe is which one will fly?
standard Missions not owned by us but by space agencies → they need to agree with whatever we propose ✓ Public access to data based on reimbursed cost by FP7 ✓ Or based on free service by organizing agencies However ✓ Full cost private mission ~ 300 Meuro/3 year (= small) → 2 Meuro/week: FP7 insufficient to fund even 1% of the observing time ✓ Operating cost ~ 5 Meuro/year → 100 keuro/week: 1 Meuro matches 10 weeks (over 4 years): interesting but we do not own the data and the agency will consider it to be only ~ 1% of overall cost
Accessing data is there an alternative? ✓ Accessing data in exchange of what? ✓ By providing preparatory work/support to the mission itself, using resources available in or supported by the program ➡ Background and instrument modeling ➡ Data analysis software & data archive ➡ Ground-based calibration facilities ➡ Outreach activities ✓ By temporary exchange of personnel ➡ e.g. engineers
Accessing data ✓ Accessing data in exchange of what? ✓ By bringing a broader expertise within a clearly identified and visible framework ✓ By providing support for the scientific exploitation of the mission: ➡ e.g. coordinating earth-based observations ✓ By training students and postdocs, with funding shared between institutes and the program ➡ at a sufficient level to affiliate them with the project, such as becoming Co-Is
Proposal ✓ Proposal could be to allocate 150 k€ from the program per mission to support 2 FTEs ✓ Allocation on an equal share basis between the program and the institute ✓ so the total contribution to a mission will be 300 k€ ✓ limited in practice to a single institute ✓ with preference for a small or medium size institute, with no particular background in using space mission high-energy data.