1 Republic of Bulgaria Eastern European Think and Act Tank NY, 24 April 2008 Presented by Valentin Stoev – Commercial representative, Bulgarian Consulate in NYC
2 Market access
3 Investment incentives in Bulgaria 10% corporate income tax after the 1, January 2007; 0% for manufacturing companies in areas with high unemployment 10% personal income tax, flat rate Opportunity for R&D expenditure write-off Depreciation of 2 years for computers and new manufacturing equipment 2-year VAT exemption for imports of equipment for investment projects over € 5 million, creating at least 50 jobs 5% withholding tax on dividends and liquidation quotas (0% for EU tax residents holding at least 15% of the Bulgarian company) Up to 1 year minimum salary and reimbursement of social/health care security for employing young people and disadvantaged people through the Employment Agency
4 InvestBulgaria Agency InvestBulgaria Agency is the Government investment promotion arm, part of the Ministry of Economy and Energy. IBA services: Comparative macroeconomic information Legal advice Data on operational costs Assistance with site selection: regional information related to unemployment data, availability of skilled labor force, education level, infrastructure, foreign investors, industrial zones, free premises Identification of potential suppliers, contract manufacturing or joint venture partners Creating linkages with local university Creating linkages with central and local governments Information and provision of investment incentives