1 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan. 18-20, 2006 M. Sullivan for the Machine Advisory Committee Review January 18-20, 2006 IR Vacuum.


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Presentation transcript:

1 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 M. Sullivan for the Machine Advisory Committee Review January 18-20, 2006 IR Vacuum

2 M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Outline History A Selected Event General Characteristics NEG heating test Vacuum model Last Minute Update Conclusions

3 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 History We started to notice a large number of beam aborts from high radiation levels from the detector the week before the holiday break. At that time, we were more concerned about the fast dI/dt LER aborts and thought perhaps these BaBar aborts were some sort of new manifestation of the fast dI/dt aborts. On Christmas eve we discovered a vacuum leak in the HER and that appeared to generate instabilities in the HER. So we thought that maybe this was the cause of the aborts with high radiation levels in the detector. It wasn’t until Monday, the day after New Years, that we discovered we had very fast vacuum spikes somewhere near the detector whenever the detector aborted the beam due to high radiation levels. Closer inspection revealed that the detector was seeing high radiation levels from the incoming LER beam whenever these vacuum spikes occurred.

4 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Aborts with BaBar LER Radiation HER vacuum leak found IP vacuum spikes found HER leak fixed

5 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Interaction Region Layout LER HER 7039 gauge SIG11 LER sensitive 2187 gauge 3044 pump LER frangible link Detector 7043 pump 8020 pump 3027 gauge Support tube end bellows 3027 pump NEG pump Backward Q2 NEG Forward Q2 NEG

6 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 A Selected Event 3027 gauge 2187 gauge 3027 pump HER current LER current Pressure at 3037 goes up to ~300 ntorr and is back down to <1 ntorr in ~30 sec

7 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Selected Event (cont.) 7039 gauge SIG pump

8 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Some Characteristics Very fast high pressure spikes. Difficult to see with 6 min history buffers. Seen in single ring for each beam but at much higher currents than colliding beams. Conclusion: either close by or inside shared beam pipe. Relatively insensitive to orbit (+/- 2mm in Y and +/-8 mm in X at the ends of the support tube) Radiation levels from the LER beam are consistently higher than radiation levels from the HER beam Exhibits more bunch charge dependence than total current dependence Chicken or Egg. There was some concern that beam instabilities from some other source in the ring were making the beam jump around enough to generate these vacuum spikes in the IR. This was tested by inducing beam instabilities (both single ring and in collision) and looking for vacuum activity in the IR. No activity was seen.

9 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 NEG heating test In order to try to localize the source of the vacuum spikes we tried heating up some of the NEG pumps and recording the vacuum readings from the various gauges and pumps We decided to heat up the two NEG pumps closest to the IP. These are the two NEGs just outboard of the ends of the support tube We did this without beam and we did not try to regenerate the NEG pumps

10 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Q2 NEG heating (no beams) Forward Q2 NEG Backward Q2 NEG The 3027 pump wakes up when the pressure gets high enough. There may be some wake up pressure for gauge 3027?

11 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 List of Vacuum spikes We started a list of vacuum spikes over the last few days characterizing each event by writing down the peak pressures and peak detector background values as well as the beam currents.

12 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Pressure and Background Ratios Forward Q2 NEG Backward Q2 NEG HER radiation event LER radiation event

13 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Vacuum model We have a vacuum model for the Interaction Region straight There are two major uncertainties in the model: the actual pumping speed of the various NEG pumps and the outgassing due to synchrotron radiation. The uncertainty in the SR outgassing comes from not knowing what the photon desorption coefficient (  ) is (next page). Perhaps the SR outgassing is not much more than the thermal outgassing rate after as many Amp-hrs as PEP-II has. The IR is covered with NEG pumping (see previous diagram) so the NEG pumping speed dominates the vacuum pressure calculations We are using the Q2 NEG heating data to come up with a consistent set of pumping speeds for the various NEG pumps in the IR. The model should then be able to point to the most likely source for the vacuum spikes

14 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 What is the value of  ? We have 27,000 Amp-hrs in the HER and 42,000 Amp-hrs in the LER. 60,000 Amp-hrs in the IR?

15 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Last Minute Update Yesterday we opened up the beam pipe about 15 m from the IP in the upstream LER We then ran a borescope all the way in to the IP bellows (25 cm from the IP) The IP bellows and of what we saw of the Q1/Q2 bellows on this side of the detector looked fine We have not yet seen anything that is a “smoking gun” We did observe that one RF seal between 2 flanges looks “different” from any other RF seal we saw The location of this RF seal is in the right area We have not yet seen the complete Q1/Q2 bellows but everything looked fine of what we did see Time of this information 15:00 Tuesday

16 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Q2 Bellows section Bellows are fully compressed in pictures

17 IR Vacuum M. Sullivan MAC Review Jan , 2006 Conclusions In December we started encountering, with increasing frequency, beam aborts associated with high radiation levels in the detector It took us a while to understand that these aborts were a new problem and not an alternate manifestation of the instabilities we were already trying to identify We have identified the cause of these beam aborts to be due to fast vacuum spikes in the IR. All present information points to a region on the forward side of the detector and probably in the LER beam pipe or in the shared beam pipe. The most likely location is the forward side support tube end bellows The most likely initiation for the event is an arc Yesterday we opened up the IR vacuum system and using a borescope looked at the forward side LER beam pipe