Theodore Sizer Educational Reformer Meghan O’Connor Amanda Reagan November 1, 2006
Theodore (Ted) Sizer A little about Ted... His contributions to education Impact on curriculum (group activity) Ted and Nancy Conclusion
A Little About Ted... “Biography” Born June 23, 1932 in New Haven, CT BA, Yale University Doctorate, Harvard University Credentials Teacher Dean, Graduate School of Education, Harvard Headmaster, Phillips Academy Professor and Chair of Education Department, Brown Founder, Coalition of Essential Schools (1984) Founder, Annenberg Institute for School Reform Co-Principal (with Nancy), Parker School
A Little About Ted... Writings Places for Learning, Places for Joy (1973) Horace’s School: Redesigning the American High School (1992)
His Contributions to Education “Arguably the leading educational reformer in the United States” An educational progressive who believes that the current education system is not doing its job – Did not just give theories – he put his theories into practice.
His Contributions to Education Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) Founded by Sizer in 1984 Result of five-year study conducted with colleagues Horace’s Compromise (1984) Schools fail to help students use their minds’ well Lack of focus Class periods too short Little emphasis on connections between subjects Teacher/student ratio too high Assessment focused on quick grading vs. demonstrated depth of understanding
His Contributions to Education Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) “Essential” Focus on few most essential things Meet them head on Do not try to do and be everything Schools reflect their communities, no two schools alike “Coalition” is critical Collaboration, borrowing How communities can assist each other Top-down reform models do not work Common principles that can be adapted to specific communities will drive positive change in education
Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) BASIC PRINCIPLES: Learning to use one’s mind well Less is more, depth over coverage Goals apply to all students Personalization Student-as-worker, teacher- as-coach Demonstration of mastery A tone of decency and trust Commitment to the entire school Resources dedicated to teaching and learning Democracy and equality
Group Activity Five groups Using the hand-out as a reference, each group will answer one of the following questions: 1.Choose a subject and discuss the impact these principles might have on designing curriculum (“what” is taught to learners) for that particular subject. 2.What is the impact of these principles on instruction (“how” curriculum is taught to learners)? 3.Choose a subject and design an assessment that will enable students to “demonstrate mastery” of that subject. 4.You are a teacher in an essential school, walk us through “a day in the life.” 5.Based on your understanding of these principles, discuss the top three pros and cons of essential schools. Group debrief
Coalition of Essential Schools Results Better attendance, lower drop out rate Better academic performance Positive behavioral impact Greater number continuing to higher education Critics Have to change schools if disagree with narrow focus Impedes “rite of passage” progression Too difficult to get people to change how they think Reflection 20 years later Problem is with systems, not people Change will not be as dramatic as initially hoped Parents need to help drive change Charter schools/Essential schools
Ted and Nancy Nancy Sizer – also a seasoned, well respected educator In retirement Co-Principals, Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School Co-authored The Students are Watching: Schools and the Moral Contract
What this means to Curriculum Not a list of items to be checked off Against drill-lecture-test system of unconnected material Inter-disciplinary instruction is the ideal way to teach a topic Less breadth and more depth Student driven curriculum
So take another look…. SCHOOLS SHOULD: to name a few Teach mental skills (i.e. independence and creative writing) Use student’s curiosity to drive curriculum Use in-depth projects – not tests Interdisciplinary study rather than segregated subjects Collaboration between students and teachers …do you agree or disagree??