Communication & Theatre 4/514 Issues in Organizational Communication Dialogue
Why is it ‘unfortunate’ that studies of organizations have tended to focus on individual acts?
Dialogue = discursive coordination in the service of social ends.
Dimensions of dialogue: Dialogue originates in the public sphere. Intersubjectivity Avoids ‘mind’ as starting place.
Dialogue is a form of coordinated action. John Shotter: joint- action. There are no comprehensible monologues...
Dialogue efficacy is bodily and contextually embedded. Speaking and all of the nonverbals communicate. The power of words varies by situation.
Dialogue efficacy is historically and culturally situated. We have to know when we are there and... Where we are.
Dialogue may serve both positive and negative purposes. “Which dialogue is needed to get what I (my group) want(s)?”
Dialogue brings form to life... Work Family Friends Etc.
Generative vs. Degenerative dialogue?
Gergen’s project = We are socially constructed (our being) Ethics (who we should be...)
So, this chapter is about being and becoming...
The nature of generative dialogue. It is fragile. The act of affirmation. More voices increase legitimacy. But in a situation of civility and respect. When should we not engage in generative dialogue?
How is coordination achieved? Critique. Negotiating coherence. Repeating ‘topoi.’ Metonymy... (a piece = whole) ‘Let’s talk about the weather...
So, history informs and limits current possibilities... How are we to proceed?
To know how to succeed at dialogue. Be able to perform = dance. Know when you are close to agreement... Reflexive punctuation. Be inclusive... Not ‘I’ but create bonds.
Let’s get dysfunctional... Negation... Obliterates alternative Pre-empts dialogue ≠ is weakness The article is too optimistic.
The individual is both responsible and powerless. Respond.
What is the impact of narrative revelation?
The impact on the generation now in their 20’s is captured in the TIME cover story on “Twixters” in which we find kids who just want to have fun, are accumulating debt, deferring marriage because it is inconvenient and have yet to decide what they want to be when they grow up. Self reflexivity leads to polyvocality...
“Listen up, maggots, you are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.” from “Fight Club”
... a storyline in which work sucks, family is an illusion, religion is unimportant and salvation comes in a romantic relationship of two unstable but good kids who yell into the abyss. From “Garden State”
Appreciative inquiry = positive experiences and hopeful futures. Mutual affirmation Productive differences Individual blame avoided
End of Dialogue Session