The life of my garden By: Amber Williams
Flowers my home has several different types of trees I also have a large variety of flowers and shrubbery my personal favorite is my Spanish brooms they smell magnificent when in bloom. Flowers bring life and color to a home or anywhere really
Wish list A garden like this one takes a lot of time for growth and care This garden is something I have on my own personal wish list A very private setting is what I would like to have Maybe when I retire
Palm Trees Palm trees have a nice appearance I believe they add to any existing yard or property And are low maintenance They also make the area they are in cooler
Mulberry trees These trees give a good amount of shade A lot of people are allergic to this type of tree within city limits you are not allowed to plant new mulberry trees due to allergies I live outside city limits so I’m planting one this year
Foliage I love to see the autumn colors in the leaves that fall from my trees And also to watch them spring again I don’t like to rake and clean them up But my kids love to jump in them after raking them into a pile