1 COACS: A Cooperative and Adaptive Caching System for MANETs Hassan Artail, Member, IEEE, Haidar Safa, Member, IEEE, Khaleel Mershad,Zahy Abou-Atme, Student Member, IEEE, and Nabeel Sulieman, Student Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 7, NO. 8, AUGUST 2008 Present: I-Wei Ting Date: Sep. 17, 2008 Manuscript received 8 June 2006; revised 12 Mar. 2007; accepted 23 Jan. 2008; published online 28 Jan
2 Outline Related work Data discovery under ICP (Internet Cache Protocol) Proposed protocol Election of Query Nodes (QN, Proxy) in MANETs Life time, Battery, Bandwidth, Memory Data discovery phase Management of the QN and Caching Node Performance Evaluation Analysis
3 Internet Cache Protocol The ICP protocol was designed to be lightweight in order to minimize round-trip time between caches. It is intended for unreliable but quick connections, using short time-outs before a cache starts to retrieve an object on its own. UDP is commonly used as delivery protocol.time-outsUDPdelivery protocol The ICP protocol is described in RFC 2186, its application to hierarchical web caching in RFC 2187.RFC 2186 hierarchicalRFC 2187 Web proxies that support ICP include: Squid cache Microsoft Proxy Cisco Content Engine ProxySG
4 Internet Cache Protocol (1/6) A BCD FEG S sibling Server Client How to find a data object (web page)? Case 1
5 Internet Cache Protocol (2/6) A BCD FEG S sibling Server Client Case 2 1 2
6 Internet Cache Protocol (3/6) A BCD FEG S sibling Server Client Case
7 Internet Cache Protocol (4/6) A BCD FEG S sibling Server Client Case
8 Internet Cache Protocol (5/6) A BCD FEG S sibling Server Client Case
9 Internet Cache Protocol (6/6) A BCD FEG S sibling Server Client Case
10 Property Comparison InternetMANETs EntitySpecific nodes (Proxy server) Any nodes LocationFixedMobility Leave/JoinNot frequentFrequent Protocol OverheadLessMuch
11 Election of Query Nodes (1/6) A BCD FEG S RN :Requesting Node Initial: No QD (Query Directory; Proxy server) Each RN only cache its requested data object. Then, query index is sent to the nearest QD
12 Election of Query Nodes (2/6) A BCD FEG S RN :Requesting Node Find out the first QD (Query Directory; Proxy server) COACS Score Packet (CSP) Traverse all nodes in the networks sequentially (need to adopt routing table, DSDV)
13 Election of Query Nodes (3/6) A BCD FEG S RN :Requesting Node Send QD Assignment Packet To the E (highest score)
14 Election of Query Nodes (4/6) A BCD FEG S RN :Requesting Node Find out Other QDs based on the # of QDs and score QD1
15 Election of Query Nodes (5/6) A BCD FEG S RN :Requesting Node QD1 QD1 find other QDs (ex:3) high. score ACK:OK
16 Election of Query Nodes (6/6) QD1E QD2S QD3D A BCD FEG S QD1 QD Information packet Broadcast QD list to all nodes
17 Data discovery phase QD1E QD2S QD3D A BCD FEG RN :Requesting Node K S
18 Case 1: QD E has an entry for the query A BCD FEG RN :Requesting Node K S
19 Case 2: QD forwards the request to the nearest QD QD1E QD2S QD3D QD1E QD2S QD3D A BCD FEG S RN :Requesting Node QD1E QD2S QD3D K
20 Management of QD and CN A new QD is added to the system when a query needs to be cached but no QD agreed to cache it. The last QD to receive the caching request will initiate a CSP When a QD receives a query and related CN is offline Delete associated entries and forward the query to the original server CN offline QD detect and remove related entries Lookup routing table (proactive routing) QD ack CN periodically (on-demand routing) QD offline First node detect Run “add a new QD”
21 Packet types
22 Comments Node join The available caching space can not be utilized efficiently
23 Simulation parameters 1000m*1000m Nodes: 100 Cache size: 200Kb Trans. Range: 100m DSDV routing protocol Random Waypoint mobility model Speed:0.01~2, 10~20 m/s Query interval: 10 seconds DB: 10,000 items, 10Kb/item Number of QD nodes: 7
26 Analysis 1. Expected Number of Hops between Two Nodes E[H] = * (a/r) expected minimum number of hops between any two nodes in the network, Ex: rectangular topology a=1000m 2, r=250m, 0.521*4= Expected Number of Hops within the System of Query Directories
27 Analysis 3. Expected Number of Hops to the External Network 4. Query Directory Access and Delay T in : the delay for transmitting packets between nodes inside the network T out : the delay for accessing a node outside the network (data source)
28 Analysis 5. Determining the Maximum Number of Query Directories
29 Analysis 6. Load Balancing on Query Directories