Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (Positive Pressure) Open Circuit SCBA
What are the four hazardous respiratory environments? 1. Heat 2. Smoke 3. Toxic gases (poisonous & superheated) 4. Oxygen deficiency <19.5%
Smoke Byproduct of incomplete combustion
Toxic gases include : Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen Sulfide Phosgene gases
Air consists of: 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% other
When do we use SCBA? Oxygen deficient atmospheres / confined spaces. Gas incidents. Chemical incidents. Salvage and clean-up operations. True unknowns. Whenever in doubt.
S.C.B.A. can’t protect you from: Gases absorbed through skin Intense heat Empty air supply Radiation
Stress can add to an improper fit.
Psychological Problems Hyperventilation
Physiological problems Claustrophobia
How much time do you have with the SCBA? It’s never enough, but you have about 30 minutes if: You’re in good cardiovascular health. Not stressed out. Good fit on mask
Factors that affect fit of mask Weight gain/loss Facial hair Shape of face Good seal
Safety Check Tank pressure Low air alarm High pressure line Regulator Mainline valve Emergency by-pass valve
Safety Check cont. Low pressure hose Damaged lens Facepiece straps Facepiece seal
Sounds easy, right?