Plant Life Cycle
Life cycle of a plant Plants go through the following life cycle:
Germination of Seed Germination is when a new plant starts to grow from a seed.
Germination The seed germinates The root pushes through the seed coat. The seedling grows out of the ground. The stored food is used in the seed leaves. The seed leaves fall off. The new plant makes its own food. New seeds are formed and dispersed.
Growing Plant Soil Sun Water Plants don't grow well if they don't get the right raw materials. Soil Sun Water
Growing Plant with Flowers Plants need flowers for reproduction. Flowers produce male cells called pollen and female cells called ovules (eggs). The pollen has to get to the ovules for the plant to produce seeds from which new plants will grow.
Pollination Getting the pollen to the ovule is called pollination. Pollination can be carried out by insects or the wind.
Petals and Nectar pollinated by insects. The large colorful petals Some plants are pollinated by insects. The large colorful petals and the nectar attract insects to the flowers. The plant's pollen then sticks to the insects and they carry it to the next plant they visit.
Other plants have small petals and stamens outside their petals Other plants have small petals and stamens outside their petals. Some plants are pollinated by the wind so that the pollen can be blown off by the wind easily. It has light pollen that can be carried a long way on the wind.