Exam 2 Review elasticity profit graphs perfect competition monopoly elasticity profit graphs perfect competition monopoly
about acronyms MC, MU, TR, etc. do NOT need to memorize spelled out on exam if in doubt, ask! MC, MU, TR, etc. do NOT need to memorize spelled out on exam if in doubt, ask!
ElasticityElasticity 4 types price elasticity of demand price elasticity of supply cross income 4 types price elasticity of demand price elasticity of supply cross income
ElasticityElasticity measuring MAGNITUDE of change in Q due to change in price or income
price elasticity of demand how much does Qd change when P changes? < 0 price elasticity of supply how much does Qs change when P changes? > 0 price elasticity of demand how much does Qd change when P changes? < 0 price elasticity of supply how much does Qs change when P changes? > 0
cross elasticity how much does Qd change when P of related good changes? < 0 for compliments > 0 for substitutes income elasticity how much does Qd change when income changes? > 0 for normal goods < 0 for inferior goods cross elasticity how much does Qd change when P of related good changes? < 0 for compliments > 0 for substitutes income elasticity how much does Qd change when income changes? > 0 for normal goods < 0 for inferior goods
exampleexample elasticity of demand = -3 demand is ELASTIC demand curve is relatively flat a 1% increase in P cause a 3% decrease in Qd elasticity of demand = -3 demand is ELASTIC demand curve is relatively flat a 1% increase in P cause a 3% decrease in Qd
P Q D D inelastic elastic
ProfitProfit Accounting profit TR – explicit costs Economic profit TR – (explicit + implicit costs) smaller than accounting profit Accounting profit TR – explicit costs Economic profit TR – (explicit + implicit costs) smaller than accounting profit
normal profit economic profit of zero resources earn their opportunity cost just enough to “make it worthwhile” in long run normal profit economic profit of zero resources earn their opportunity cost just enough to “make it worthwhile” in long run
Graphs of market & firm perfect competition monopoly be able to select profit maximizing P & Q identify consumer surplus identify economic profit/loss perfect competition monopoly be able to select profit maximizing P & Q identify consumer surplus identify economic profit/loss
perfect competition market supply & demand determine price all firms, all buyers firm takes P, chooses Q where P = MR = MC P, Q, ATC economic profit/loss in SR market supply & demand determine price all firms, all buyers firm takes P, chooses Q where P = MR = MC P, Q, ATC economic profit/loss in SR
P Q D S $ P Q MC 10 ATC $2 economic profit D = MR = P $5 ($5-$2)(10) = $30 MarketFirm
Perfect competition in LR normal profit zero economic profit why? entry/exit will shift S until market price gives firms normal profit normal profit zero economic profit why? entry/exit will shift S until market price gives firms normal profit
P Q D S $ P Q MC 10 ATC $2 D = MR = P $5 MarketFirm Economic profit leads to entry,S increases, P falls until normal profit S’ D’ $2
monopolymonopoly firm supply IS market supply firm fills market demand firm sets P, Q Q where MR = MC P determined by the demand curve P > MR firm supply IS market supply firm fills market demand firm sets P, Q Q where MR = MC P determined by the demand curve P > MR
monopolymonopoly P, MR Q D Qm Pm consumer surplus economic profit deadweight loss MC = ATC MR
P, MR Q D Qm Pm MC = ATC MR P, MR Q D Qc Pc MC = ATC monopoly perfect competition consumer surplus
MonopolyPerfect Competition price makerprice taker P > MC, P > MRP = MR = MC lower pricehigher price lower outputhigher output lower consumer surplushigher consumer surplus LR economic profit possible LR normal profit deadweight loss