Bill G. Kelm IDS 150: Research in the Information Age April 3, 2007
What is Social Software Store your bookmarks online Tag your bookmarks Share your bookmarks with others Subscribe to bookmarks with RSS
Creating an account
Adding new bookmarks
Tagging Adding “a (relevant) keyword or term associated with or assigned to a piece of information (like picture, article, or video clip), thus describing the item and enabling keyword-based classification of information it is applied to.” (Wikipedia)
Tagging example
Importance of tagging “Ask yourself: What words would people use to find this item? will provide suggested tags Tags are searchable!
“Folksonomy” A practice of collaborative categorization using freely chosen keywords. Refers to a group of people cooperating spontaneously to organize information into categories. (Wikipedia)
Flickr popularity Photo sharing web site with an online community Photos are tagged and browsed by “folksonomic” means
My booksmarks
Importing your boomarks
Editing a bookmark
Tag Bundles Logical groupings of related tags you’ve used. Create them via settings | bundle tags
Bundle tags
Rename & delete tags Settings rename tags Settings delete tags
Your network Think of it as your friends list. Add other users to your network to keep track of what they’re bookmarking.
your network
for: Add the tag for: username to send a bookmark to another user. Users in your network will appear as suggested tags when you add a new bookmark.
links for you
subscriptions Like your network but for tags. Can be limited to a tag when used by a specific user.
Privacy It is possible to mark bookmarks as private, i.e. not seen by others. You must first turn this option on in settings | private saving.
Firefox addons classic Bookmarks classic Adds buttons to the toolbar to access your account and to add bookmarks. bookmarks Replaces Firefox’s bookmarking system with the content of your account.
RSS in All accounts and/or tags have associated RSS feeds available. (Find it at the bottom of the page.)
Reading a feed RSS: Short for R DF S ite S ummary or R ich S ite S ummary, an XML format for syndicating Web content. ( R DFXMLsyndicating RSS readers both web-based and desktop clients
Credits Michael Sauers, OCLC
Thank You Comments or questions? Bill Kelm