FAIR March 20, 2007 D. Krämer GSI/FAIR Division Technical Status: status of layout status of civil engineering items under current discussions status of specs parameter list status of workpackages
Reference: FAIR Baseline Technical Report Approved by ISC in May
Project Costs Accelerator investment costs 533 M€ Civil construction costs 289 M€ Baseline experimental facilities ( incl Super-FRS) 180 M€ Investment budget 1002 M€ Manpower (2400 person-years) 185 M€ Total Construction Costs 1187 M€ Costs evaluated by CORE-A/E, TAC, STI and 7 mini-TACs, documented in Costbook Commissioning Costs 26 M€ Annual operation cost 118 M€/y ISC took note of costs 25% of cost to be funded by international partners - on-going negotiations by funding agencies
Time Schedule First experiments scheduled for beginning of 2012 (Super-FRS) – Phase I End of project scheduled for beginning of 2015 Schedule determined by civil construction progress (start of CC early 2007)
Technical Realization of FAIR 100 m UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR Existing facility: provides ion-beam source and injector for FAIR Existing facility: provides ion-beam source and injector for FAIR New future facility: provides ion and anti-matter beams of highest intensity and up to high energies New future facility: provides ion and anti-matter beams of highest intensity and up to high energies FLAIR Accelerator Components & Key Characteristics Ring/Device Beam Energy Intensity SIS100 (100Tm) protons 30 GeV 4x U 1 GeV/u <10 12 (intensity factor 100 over present) SIS300 (300Tm) 40 Ar 45 GeV/u 2x U 34 GeV/u 2x10 9 CR/RESR/NESR ion and antiproton storage and experiment rings HESR antiprotons 14 GeV ~10 11 SuperFRS rare-isotope beams 1 GeV/u <10 9 Radioactive Ion Production Target Anti-Proton Production Target
Since FBTR: Deeper Planning of the FAIR-Layout (FAIR SR, FAIR SY Group) ∙Machine lattices have been re-optimized and are fixed now ∙HEBTs have been re-calculated ∙Optics was discussed and checked with external experts ∙TAC will review lattice and transfer line optics in June 2007 for final approval
Actual Activities: Synchrotron Items ∙HEBT p-bar separator – CR minimize losses due to chromatic aberration ∙ Synchrotron SIS 100 Performance limitations of NUCLOTRON magnets at 4 T/s ∙ Synchrotron SIS 300 Detailing of (2) straight sections for transfer SIS100 – 300 (injection) and extraction Corrector system
Actual Activities cont’d Storage Ring Items ∙RESR focusing structure - Simplify lattice for optimized stochastic cooling at fixed geometry ∙ Stochastic Cooling - Hardware procurement for test-stand ∙ Machine Experiments at ESR - Tests of beam accumulation schemes
FAIR-Topology Optimized and checked optics - 3D - all junctions matched - latest Super FRS layout - latest HESR layout - option for HESR upgrade - p-transfer line to NESR - option for p-bar transfer line to ER
Actual Activities cont’d R&D Items (FAIR MT Group) ∙SIS100 prototypes Curved full scale MARK I dipole magnet under fabrication at BINP (coil subcontracted to Dubna company) Straight full scale magnet under fabrication at BNG PDR with BNG and BINP – FDR scheduled for May 2007 Delivery scheduled for late this year followed by intense qualifications JINP working on MARK I quadrupole ∙ SIS300 dipole prototypes ∙IHEP Protvino: tooling ready, coil-end design ready, tests at CERN ∙INFN: PDR very promising, safe 1K margin and good field tolerances at 4.5 T ∙ CR/Super FRS superferric dipole FAIR China Group: die available, laminations punched, model coil under fabrication, cryostat design under preparation
Actual Activities cont’d Magnet R&D Items ∙Super FRS Large aperture quad prototype ready for contracting (Toshiba) ∙NESR/RESR magnets ELYT study in favor of nc solution (as proposed in FBTR) TAC ∙18 Tm/100 Tm nc HEBT magnets Parameters fixed, design starts now ∙Test GSI GSI001 cooled down, magnetic measurements performed, AC losses determined; check of measurement equipment Aim: install and test SIS100 1 m model dipole in June ‘07 ∙ Cryostat design Magnet cryostats and cold-warm intersections under design at GSI
Actual Activities cont’d Theoretical items (FAIR AT Group) ∙SIS dynamical tracking simulations with field errors ∙Impedance (resistive wall effect due to thin vacuum chambers) ∙Landau damping by octupoles – alternative to active FBs ∙Beam stability / beam losses - at given intensities, working point - non-linear effects - stability of ultra cold beams - … Other items (GSI Beschleuniger Gruppe) RF prototype cavity Diagnostics ….
FAIR-Buildings – General Procedure ∙BMBF, BMVBS & BMF: decision to follow RZBau procedure §44 BHO/LHO, i.e. ZBau procedure as is applied for public buildings in Germany. ∙This means: ∙Consultation by civil construction administration, i.e. OFD and hbm ∙Consultation in preparation of contract awarding ∙Preparation of application for building permit ∙Consultation of application and documentation ∙Determination of extent of documentation ∙Verification of scope of task ∙Review of execution of construction work ∙ Report on expenditure of funds Step 0: Proposal to BMBF to start the process Step 1: Room program (scope of the work) has to be approved by OFD Step 1a: Contracts to PS and PP companies together with hbm Ultimate definition of what to realize Step 2: Complete pre-planning approved by OFD Step 3: Start construction work and detailed implementation planning RZBau = Richtlinien für die Durchführung von Zuwendungsbaumaßnahmen (BMVBS) ZBau = Baufachliche Ergänzungsbestimmungen zu den Allgemeinen VV zu § 44 BHO BHO/LHO = Bundeshaushaltsordnung/Landeshaushaltsordnung
Detailing FAIR-Buildings (FAIR CC Group) ∙Details of optics layout require adaptation of buildings ∙HESR moved to the South by 30 m ∙Optimization of p-bar – CR transfer line ∙Re-confirmation of building requirements in progress ∙i.e. space, media, transportation … “room-” and “load list” ∙FAIR CC is collecting data ∙Discussions with all “building owners” on costs savings ∙EU wide tender on project steering (PS) in Dec expect contract until May 2007 ∙EU wide tender on project planning (PP) (on halt) ∙Draft proposal to start ZBau procedure in Jan. 30, 2007 Preparation of planning possible within FAIR preparatory phase Formal start of ZBau procedure only with approved funding
FAIR-Topology Building location according to optical layout - Buildings under revision - Prepare input for formal building procedures Step 1.. n
Workpackages ∙94 WPs defined according to WBS, FBTR and Cost Book schematics 13 subprojects 15 technical systems No decision up to now – awaiting expressions of interest Finally contracts between partner and FAIR GmbH interest to take WP indicated
Specification of Workpackages ∙All 94 WPs need to be specified - to allow FAIR partners proper realization of the contribution, e.g. a magnet - basis: scope of work is FBTR and approved optimizations - technical detailing of specs under way, according to R&D results, simulations and progress in enlarged planning depth ∙Aiming for functional specs and/or full technical specs of components available late 2007 – process in on-going. ∙Presently: CERN EDMS has been implemented also to spread specifications, follow-up and document evolution to final design, production of components and life-cycle management of components.
Parameterlist An updated version of the Oct Parameterlist is at print (request by TAC) (FAIR beam parameter committee) System co-ordinators (FSR: M.Steck, FSY: P. Spiller) are preparing machine specific detailed parameter lists as part ofthe specifications Detailed TDRs planned in future
Thank you