1 U.S. Exports by Region, 2004 Canada 23% Mexico 14% European Union 21% Pacific Rim 26% Other 6% Central and South America 7% OPEC 3% Total = $819 billion
2 U.S. Imports by Region, 2004 Pacific Rim 33% Total = $1,470 billion Canada 17% Mexico 11% European Union 19% OPEC 6% Central and South America 7% Other 6%
3 International Trade Group of 8 – G8 Group of 8 – G8 US US Japan Japan Germany Germany France France UK UK Italy Italy Canada Canada Russia Russia
4 Exports and Imports of Selected Countries Total OutputExport RatioImport Ratio Netherlands$ 46162%57% Canada95944%40% Germany2,27136%32% Italy1,55027%26% France1,66127%25% United Kingdom1,66626%28% Japan3,58211%10% United States11,00010%14%
5 Balance of Trade Balance of trade – the difference between the value of exports and the value of imports. Trade deficit – imports > exports Trade surplus – exports > imports The U.S. has a significant trade deficit of approximately 5% of GDP. The U.S. is financing its trade deficit by selling off financial assets, stocks and bonds, and real assets, corporations and real estate.
6 U S Immigration, Number and Rate: 1900 to 2001, by Decade Immigrants United States PeriodNumberRate 1901 to 19108, to 19205, to 19304, to to 19501, to 19602, to 19703, to 19804, to 19907, to 20009,0953.4